useless thing i found during the demo
3 years ago

for a full on level completion, if you kick a bit before the blue box end it counts as your hitbox and you can finish it a smidge early. could be only in the demo as i dont have the full game, i did not see it used once in the 100% full game, again very minimal but something i found slightly interesting and could be interesting for other people, or it could be already known and im wasting my time typing this away

Trident likes this
Glamorganshire, Wales

Yeah, thanks for bringing it to light! We like little optimisations :)

By the way, you can use the demo on steam for Biker Bar runs specifically, as far as I'm aware there are no differences.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

i haven't tried but do you think it also would count the end of a throw animation? i dont know what would be longer, kick at full distance or the end of the throw animation, it might be minimal difference, and I might do biker runs who knows.

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3 years ago