Cannot get g1 down before getting grabbed Leon A standard 120 fps
3 years ago

watched orchlon's guide and no matter how I do it i'll occasionally get a 120 fps knife hit but then occasionally get a single knife hit and my fps is consistently 120 am I doing something wrong? He says to look towards the ground when you do it while knifing his legs and arm but that doesn't seem to work. People say that this boss isn't hard to do consistently so I feel like i'm missing something.


You can set the image size to 50% right before the G1 fight. It is allowed and will get the boss fight faster. Im sure u will kill him with one knife and avoid getting grab by him.

I dont do that personally but it will help u. I saw that technique used by some speedrunners, including Orchlon.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Old thread but maybe other players can benefit. Here's 7rayD explaining me what I do wrong and what to do

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