Future emulator submissions
7 years ago
United Kingdom

All future emulator submissions need to show proof of the emulator used. http://i.imgur.com/Q56WcHO.png

Edited by the author 7 years ago
TylerSM74, MrGreen745 and 4 others like this
United Kingdom

You tell 'em gothic

United States

why does this matter?

DeathJohnson likes this

To stop people using emu in general

eddiecatgaming, TylerSM74 and 3 others like this
North Carolina, USA

I think most people know this (or assumed this) but since it wasn't explicitly stated in the rules before, Project64 2.x is banned. Project64 1.6/1.7 are fine.

Pennsylvania, USA

Why don't the rules just say only 1.6/1.7 is allowed since the other emulators are banned? Might confuse the odd ones that use a different emulator if its not said they can't use it.

DeathJohnson likes this
United States

Nothing wrong with using emulator, just follow the emulator rules obviously, I like this new rule.


Can we just say "Project64 v1.6" is the only emu allowed?

North Carolina, USA

I'll reword it later, I'm trying to get confirmation from some of the other mods.

United States

So I opened up OBS to make this change, and I am having issues find out how to capture my game and show the top bar that has the name of the emulator and all that. Basically asking the question again, if i just show that I am using project 64 1.6 in the beginning and then switch to game capture/window capture, will that be allowed?


Just do a window capture, and select "entire window" and resize.

New South Wales, Australia

There isn't a 'entire window' option in window capture for me, I can only get the bottom bar in as well. I just got the latest version too

New South Wales, Australia

I can't see any fullscreen option, sorry. When I add a window capture, I get these options: http://imgur.com/ju7nZG7

When I edit the properties of the window capture, I get these options: http://imgur.com/4cLDP9H

Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

The only way to capture a window with borders on OBS Studio (that i know of) is to select Display Capture, then crop out everything except your PJ64 window.


The solution is to not use bad versions of OBS and get good.

North Carolina, USA

You don't need to show borders for the entirety of the run, if that's an issue (and it appears to be) just show the window at some point after the run. You can display the entire desktop for a couple seconds if that's easiest.

United States

Thanks Alaris_Villain for clearing that up! I really appreciate it.

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