Between "A Dish Served Cold" (revenge) and "Mr. and Mrs. Bellic" (wedding)
8 years ago
United States

See this doc to learn what it is you need to be doing to move from the one mission to the next without wasting any time. (click the tab at the bottom which is named "After A Dish Served Cold, before the wedding")

The evaluations might need revised a bit.

South Georgia

I see you doing "vid warp -> sleep x times" a couple of times.

Instead loading the autosave would be better. Since that equals vid warp + sleep 1x, but is faster in terms of RTA.

United States

Are you saying by loading an autosave, you'll load in to the game 6 hours ahead of when the autosave occurred? If so, I never knew. Though, I just tried this and I loaded in at the same time, so I'm pretty confused on what you mean, unless what you're saying is the game will act as if I slept once, but not actually advance the in game clock. Please elaborate.


Pretty sure that's not how it worked.

I talked about this before, but I don't use autosave anymore, because it can break undertaker because Packies phone call glitches out. Video Editor warping is only slower by a few seconds, because for the autosave to work you have to wait until the save logo disapears.

In the meantime you already could've pulled up your phone and video editor warped.

United States

I don't think you should jump to the conclusion that autosave breaks anything in the game until you're 100% sure with some sort of undeniable proof. The segmented run uses autosaves and everything works out just fine. Still curious as to what Jolzi meant.

South Georgia

I remember not having normal times in my practice auto saves. The ingame time was later than it supposed to be, so i assumed it was +6h from the save. But i never checked how much later it was.

It was back when i was using and not That might be a difference.

United States

I just loaded some autosaves on and didn't experience any time advances. Was it by chance on or another version?

South Georgia

Maybe. It was the retail version and not downgraded steam.

Well the time was advanced. I remember practicing the bleed out snipe when it was already starting to get dark for example.