Coast 09 gap jump
6 years ago

Did anyone know about this? I launched from here by mistake.

Czech Republic
  1. Is it consistent?
  2. Does it save time?

It's sort of consistent. Sometimes I don't get enough speed but I can launch almost always. As for saving time, I'm still unsure. It is a bit closer than the original jump so there is potential

Edited by the author 6 years ago

It's not really useful since we rarely end up on that side of the beach.

That's a good point, my initial idea was that this could be used as a back-up if for whatever reason you dont have a lot of speed coming out of the tunnel. I'm not sure if it would be better to just go around or give this an attempt


Even then, if you somehow end up on that side you're better off just ASHing all the way into the slope at the end of the coast since it works 100% consistently, unlike the slope launch you're showing here.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Yeah I guess that's true. I'll mess around with it a bit for lols but I'm pretty sure you are right. Thanks for the input!

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