Posted 11 months ago by

Starting today, the custom-made build of Half-Life 2 known as "Ghosting Mod" will no longer be used as a valid build for run submissions, as was determined by a community vote held in the SourceRuns Discord server.

If you are currently using Ghosting Mod to submit your runs, we ask that you switch to a legitimate build, such as 5135, 5288, or Steam. 5135 is used for unpack, which can be found in the resources tab, and "Steam" is simply the steam version of the game, which can be found in your Steam library.

5288 on the other hand, can be downloaded through the steam console. If you wish to install 5288, please use this short guide written by PenPerson:

How to download 5288 without 3rd party software:

  1. Launch steam with the -console parameter
  2. Navigate to the console tab on steam
  3. Type in these 2 commands (and wait patiently for the download to finish. It will take a while and there is no progress bar.)
  4. download_depot 220 222 3151477805868332059
  5. download_depot 220 221 2694190745568322895
  6. Navigate to the folder where the files have downloaded. (you'll see it in the console output)
  7. Merge the "depot_222" and "depot_221" directories

What does this mean for you?

  • Runs submitted prior to this rule change will not be removed from the leaderboards
  • Any run submitted using Ghosting in the future will be rejected
  • Unlike 0th tick, this ban WILL NOT carry over to the Category Extensions leaderboards
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Posted 1 year ago by

Starting today, Half-Life 2 Speedruns will be timed using the "0th tick" timing method.

If you are using 2838's SourceSplit for livesplit, the update should be automatic, but if you are using Fatalis' SourceSplit, or haven't been prompted to update, you will need to manually install 2838's SourceSplit, which can be found here:

To confirm you are using the updated build, do the following:

  1. Right click on livesplit and click "control"
  2. Click on "SourceSplit: Settings" (if SourceSplit is not there, then add SourceSplit to your layout or install the new SouceSplit if you haven't already)
  3. Look on the top right. If it is version or higher, then you are using the correct build

If you do not have the new SourceSplit installed, please use the installation guide and add it to your layout

What does this mean for you?

  • Runs submitted after the rule change will have to use 0th tick. Runs not using it will be rejected
  • Runs submitted before the rule change will not be retimed (unless a special case deems necessary)
  • Category extensions will require 0th tick
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Posted 1 year ago by

Dear Runners, it has come to our attention that using custom models for NPC's may bring advantageous or disadvantageous scenarios when abusing the NPC teleport glitch, therefore we have mutually agreed to cease the use of custom models for both the Old and New Engine categories for HL2. Prior runs to this discovery will not be invalidated and will remain on the leaderboard.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Please note that It has come to our attention that Half-life 2 Old Engine versions 4044 and 2733 are no longer legitimate. Due to the age and activity of this particular board, we have agreed to continue using these versions as we would like to continue to celebrate old engine scripted than let it die due to a technicality.

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Ghosting Ban

Starting today, the custom-made build of Half-Life 2 known as "Ghosting Mod" will no longer be used as a valid build for run submissions, as was determined by a community vote held in the SourceRuns Discord server.

If you are currently using Ghosting Mod to submit your runs, we ask

11 months ago