Setting up new splits for different runs
2 years ago
United States

Hey everyone, pretty new to the speedrunning community here. I have a question regarding livesplit. How do I go about creating a new layout for different runs without overriding my previous layout? I accidentally wiped my Any% NMG layout when I started practicing Steel Soul, and I'd like to not make the same mistake. Thanks!


I just use 'Save As Layout' to create a new *.lsl file. It's easy to swtich between different layouts.

Pandrrr likes this

if youre editing/adding splits, then dont forget to click “save splits”, if its your first time saving them for that route it will ask you to choose a location for the file, after that you can open them at any time. if you are editingn them further then you also need to click on “save splits”, but this time it wont ask you to choose a location since you already have the file saved. every time you try to close the timer without saving your splits (if it was either new best times or split changes) it will ask you if you want to save them.

Pandrrr likes this
United States

Okay, thank you both!

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