So now that emu is allowed, when is VC going to be allowed? 4Head
8 years ago

In all honesty, idc which versions of which games are "allowed." I'm glad we allowed emu. However, if there is an answer to this question, I would love to know it.


Every version is allowed, only N64 is shown. The leaderboards are showing emu by default even though it is said not to. It is a site bug.

Laxxius likes this

why the fuck is VC filtered out by default, i couldn't think of many stupider ways to do the console organization

United Kingdom

Emu should be filtered, VC should be filtered. Slowfreq, you've been around long enough to know why N64 is the standard version and why emu/VC gets filtered from that. Stop bringing up dumb shit, please.

there's absolutely no reason why can't do it exactly the same way marioruns did it for years (different categories for different platforms) unless you guys have some stupid petty thing against it, which i absolutely know you do.

this wasn't happening on marioruns. why here?

and no, i haven't been around long enough to know why n64 is the "standard version" (a stupid concept in itself) - only long enough to know why you think it should be. the OoT community is so smart about this, why can't yall be?

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Colorado, USA

The runs exist on the site, which is good enough. If you want to see VC times, you are in the minority. You can still filter it by platform to see the runs.

Ohio, USA

Yes but we should all be treated equally as speed runner, yes I'm in the minority but still that doesn't mean we should be separated from the rest of the community

i'll concede if you can give me one good reason why you can't just either show them or have separate categories for them, which, again, is how marioruns did it.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Ohio, USA

Well yes they can be separated, but it should have all platforms option be the first thing you see and VC should be there

@SpaceMiner i will never, ever expect for all of the platforms to be combined. that's what i, optimally, would want, but that'll never happen.

what i'm asking is why we can't just go back to doing it like this, cause that was a very good compromise.

Ohio, USA

They have that, but it's harder to get to so ultimately yes I agree it should be like that

Ohio, USA

Why did they shut down mario runs anyway

consolidation of leaderboard websites

Ohio, USA

Why would they doh

North Carolina, USA

If you want a real reason why we can't do it, it's cause of's formatting. I would be for doing that in a heartbeat if it was possible to do in a way that wouldn't clutter up the page like mad. The only work around I can think of is to add 120 star (n64), 120 star (emu), 120 star (wiivc), 120 star (wii u), etc. imagine what that would look like.

btw, marioruns went down cause no one wanted to run the site

Edited by the author 8 years ago

check out the thug2 page:

just replace (story, story all goals, classic... etc) with the star count categories, and (easy, normal, sick) with the console. bam, easily separated versions, almost like how marioruns did it, except this subdivides the versions into the categories, rather than the categories into the versions.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
North Carolina, USA

That'd actually be pretty nice, I'll see what everyone else thinks before I mess with anything. It might be a hot minute before we change it cause it'll probably involve editing a fuckton of runs and I'd need like a whole day to do it

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EMU/VC subcategories for Stage RTA

We would like to announce that VC and EMU subcategories are now active on the Stage RTA leaderboards (under "Levels"). Stage RTA involves collecting all the stars in a given stage including the 100 coin star. Timing starts on star select and ends upon collecting the final star. You are allowed to us

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