All Bridges Flown Under %
9 years ago
United States

How did it take me until now to realize what a great category this would be? Fastest way to complete this run:

Timer starts where you'd start your timer for Any%/Classic%.

  1. Shoot down a police heli
  2. Fly under all of the "Under The Radar" achievement bridges. Timer ends when you hear the in-game tone for flying under the final bridge .

I have a route in mind.


you love shooting down those police helis dont you kyle? pretty cool idea though, what about a all races category? timer starts on skipping No.1 mission beginning cutscene and ends after completing all 9 different races for the percentage...

also under bridge isn't needed for the hundo


Kyle and his ideas OpieOP

United States

I'd like to know why this isn't part of 100% when LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE IS.

I also just like to stick to categories which begin at the start and almost immediately differ from the Any%/Classic% run.


its one of those stupid achievement specific things, makes hundo easier Kappa

Under the bridges is needed in GTA V OpieOP

Thats not meme enough though Kyle