New to this...
5 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Been many years since I last beat this game and I would love to try a speedrun but I don't understand the route I saw. If you're running the any% category then why would you need to play the Speedway levels? Is it for the gems and if so why? I know it sounds like a stupid question but if I remember you only need dragons and eggs to progress. But it has been years so I'm sure I'm missing something. Thanks people!!

Colorado, USA

To enter Peace Keepers, you need 10 dragons. To enter Magic Crafters, you need 1200 gems. To enter Beast Makers, you need 5 dragon eggs. To enter Dream Weavers, you need 50 dragons. To enter Gnasty's World, you need 6000 gems.

Flights provide 300 gems at the cost of 45-55 seconds depending on the speedway, which is about 6 gems per second. It's a better alternative than finding 1200 gems elsewhere (considering there's 12000 before Gnasty's World), even on the PS1 version.

Massachusetts, USA

Ah ok that makes things clearer! thanks for the i just need to get gud at the flights, this is gonna be painful

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Coveless in Any% NBS Rule Change

After a lot of discussion, we have decided to ban the use of coveless in Spyro 1 Any% NBS, and create a miscellaneous category called Any% NBS 1.0 for the runs that currently use it. It's been a tough decision, and not one that we're really happy with, but we believe that its best for the fairness a

2 years ago