8 years ago

Update since a few new things/stuff found by several people don't seem to have been mentioned here (probably nothing new for some people):

  • Fish in a Barrel: CJ appears to walk towards the door a bit during the fadeout, so you should enter the marker from the stairs when it's already there, while not sprinting (change to a weapon you can't sprint with on the stairs or don't sprint on the stairs before, since sprinting seems to be buffered somehow) Video
  • I added some phonecall information on the Wiki
  • I created a playlist of some duping videos for reference/explanation purposes
  • You can hold phonecalls in vehicles by holding AltFire (Video)
  • Bike School and Blood Bowl can be used to get an $OM=0 phonecall as well (Video of Highjack Duping with Bike School)

Still open to test are 8-track (requires 20% driving skill) and Kickstart (requires 20% bike skill).

Can you please include a one sentence explanation on what "delay" means?

Doing what tduva did in High Jack duping is risky since the call might start before bike school. The bike school marker is checked every 250ms, the game checks if the call is ready (i.e. 60000ms after ONMISSION=0) every 1000ms. It might come in 60000ms after OM=0 or up to 61000ms later. After getting out of your car more than 61000ms after OM=0, it can take 0ms for the call to come in or up to 1000ms. Same for the school marker, but it varies from 0-250ms. So sometimes the call comes in earlier thab bike school starts.

Nick said that you nees to miss a date for the consistent dump call. It seams to me that the only way of getting the progress to below minus 15 is getting the progress to 0 by shooting at her and then missing 6 dates. Missing dates requires first getting a 100% random call (1-23 hours, 1-59 minutes in game clock) that is only setup by driving past her house.


What delay do you mean?


[quote]The following threads, which are started/stopped as the game progresses, are used to check for different groups of phonecalls (check delay in ms):[/quote]

It doesn't have an explanation. Something like: delay of 1000 means that after the 15000ms are over (or after you get out of your vehicle), it can take any time from 0-1000ms until the phone rings. Well, I don't know, maybe that belongs just into a duping tutorial...

My bad about the Bike School marker, it is checked every frame indeed, just like Quarry.

About Blood Ring: When is the latest point you can start holding the call (holding tab/2nd fire)? Since at some point the call is cancelled by the mission, when you are put in the car during some loading time.

Boat school also phone call starts, I tested that a long time ago but without exiting it with a held phone call. It can be phone call started without pause buffering like Quarry. Seams useless, though. ^^

Kickstart needs 20% bike skill, you only get bike skill by finishing the school, not by individual lessons 8-track needs 20% driving skill (driving school gives 3% per gold).

Meat Business: There is a de-spawn area with radius 60 units around where Rosi is in the cutscene. Trucking has radius 100. Maybe you can get your car outside that area by jumping out and letting it roll. Depends on whether it is a very good car or not.


I tried Amphibious Assault duping. Seems like sometimes the boats damage eachother which alerts them the same way as if you had jumped into the water. Sometimes they destroyed my boat pretty quickly, so you have to be careful with the red markers on the map. On board of the ship it seemed enough to just kill the guards you encounter running around. I used the Shotgun since the MicroSMG is removed by Bloodbowl (the Shotgun should be from Small Town Bank I guess). Seems like headshotting them quickly is a bit easier with the Shotgun than with the Silenced Pistol.


I was testing duping on the missions in my own game, and it seems that it isn't possible at all on the new SA version on Steam (not the HD one, but with some songs taken out). Regular Quarry duping, as done in 100% runs is still possible.

Washington, USA

For basic duping Ran Fa Li, Highjack, and Verdant meadows it seems consistent on Steam/Xbox if you just use the truck and not save as much time doing so, but the likeliness of killing a run to duping is much less. If truck doesn't work after the first couple seconds you can try spamming "F" and it should work. It didn't work on Highjack yesterday the way it should've and I had to walk back into the marker so if that happens on Verdant Meadows then RIP cos it's a cutscene.


I can't test things until Friday afternoon. So if anyone feels like doing so, thank you. :) Tell me where it failed. :D

goal: dupe Misappropriation and Fish in a Barrel with phone call starting bike school just once.

start: Stowaway done after Intensive Care 1 Catalina call unlocked [tiny-balled from after NOE, or LTF with duping]

look for nice car (you have 1 min to drive from the Meat Factory to Bike School)

call start Bike School [tiny-balled idiota] start holding[tiny-balled] cancel Bike School

start Meat Business stop holding when inside the car after the starting cutscene to cancel (using missiles would take the call) [ shootout disables cops and resets wanted level ] start holding during final cutscene [tiny-balled] end Meat Business call unlocked, now 2 Catalina troll calls available

start Madd Dogg end Madd Dogg [hold the entire time]

start Misappropriation start 2nd instance during the cutscene fly to dossier clear area from enemies take first dossier to set om=0 call unlocked, High Noon call wait 15s start holding[High Noon] take second dossier to set om=0

start Black Project stop holding during second cutscene to cancel dump all smg ammo(possible) start holding during final cutscene [High Noon call]

start Green Goo end Green Goo [hold the entire time]

start and dupe FIAB, taking High Noon call call unlocked Freefall call unlocked Saint Mark's Bistro

take Freefall call take SMB call start SMB

~8 min of holding calls... acceptable, I guess

Gelderland, Netherlands

did someone test yet if the courier missions can be used for duping? the one in LS should be available from the start ( http://gta.wikia.com/wiki/Courier_Missions_in_GTA_San_Andreas ) so maybe duping can start with the first phonecall


My Misappropriation/Fish in a Barrel duping route was garbage. With that route, no call is unlocked to do it quickly, you have to wait for 1 minute before you can pass the second Misappropriation instance during a call.

Mew found another way to pass Black Project (BP) duped (the other one is Rosenduping(TM) by Joshimuz). You start BP while one instance of Quarry is running. In other words, during Quarry.

This paragraph can be skipped if you don't care about things going on behind the scenes: The problem is that when you start BP twice by going into the BP marker twice, one instance gets stuck: it waits for the first cutscene to end. By starting BP during Quarry, you get one instance starting from the start and one instance starting somewhere in the middle, past the point where it waits for the first cutscene to end. Thereby, both instances can finish.

My route is this: Learning to Fly > flight to Maverick with the Rustler (to-do: find a way to spawn it reliably; this gives you a parachute, hopefully it is reliable without wasting time for consistency) > Casino missions until Fish in a Barrel > Madd Dogg > Misappropriation > Stowaway > Quarry > Black Project > High Noon > Bistro

The call used to get OM=0 Quarry is the High Noon call.

Blood Bowl gives you one "free death". If you die during the mission you use it up; if you pass it, the "free death" is taken away from you; but if you fail by the time running out you keep it. R¤ programming. :D

The best way to save time using this is probably wasted warping from the air strip to LV after High Noon. You still need to drive, here is a wasted warp map: http://i.imgur.com/A9yJgdE.png

Also, tduva has new videos. Check them out. :)

mew25, oddRaven, and tduva like this
Washington, USA

Not that it's useful at all and may never be. I decided to try out stadium in LS since I was always curious whether it would work the same as bloodbowl and it turns out it is. Problem is that even after a run is finished you still can't don't have enough driving skill for 8-track


I used 8-tracks to dupe Riot. To get the driving skill, you can go to driving school and get two or three golds, I don't know the number. Two golds take ~60s and despawn your vehicle (the radius of the despawn area is 3 times larger than for Trucking).

I will post about duping Riot next weekend - or later, we will see.

I have never tried duping EOTL part 1 with rapidly skipping the cutscene after killing Big Smoke. Without skipping, it softlocked in that cutscene.


There are things to consider for BP (Black Project) duping. Nothing too bad, though, unless some other really confusing way to get the same bs is uncovered.

First up, skip the cutscene in the first 1000 milliseconds after the cutscene skip is "enabled", else you softlock the mission, i.e. you get no objectives anymore. In other words, do not fall asleep. Secondly, if you have already started BP and failed, do not use this duping method anymore. It is likely that it crashes your game, then. Re-loading the game does not help. Maybe there is something consistent enabling a dupe but I cannot be bothered - just complete BP once if you die there - just don't die in BP.

The reason for the first issue is: when you skip the cutscene later than 1000ms in, some audio plays. When you then press the cutscene skip button, one instance of BP works just fine and sets your mission progress to 5 (enabling objectives), the other BP instance waits for the audio to finish and after that it sets your mission progress to 3 (disabling objectives).

The second issue is more complicated: if infra-red goggles are in memory at the moment you dupe BP, the game crashes. So when you have started BP and then die, they might still be in memory (I do not know what determines whether they stay or not). When you then dupe BP again, it crashes.


Inconsistent dupe : Explosive situation: the dumpers SOMETIMES don't spawn inside each other, so you CAN dupe it. The problem with this is there is not yet a consistent way to make them not get stuck inside each other and fail the mission, so for now it's a 50/50 thing, so inconsistent dupe HYPE!

At first i thought that killing those 2 guys does something to prevent the dumpers getting stuck inside each other, but after trying many times that does not seem to decide the fortune of the dumpers :D

so if you're doing this dumb dupe the route would probably be : Flight school -> grab rustler -> park rustler near bike school -> grab phonecall -> take off with the rustler again and go to maverick (or do the opposite and get maverick first? not sure) -> hold call through fender ketchup ( during the mission get out of the car and start holding call, then pass the mission) -> dupe explosive situation.

Anyway i've not tried many things and lots of stuff needs to be tested which could maybe make this consistent. This is not too big of a timesave, so not duping it would not lose too much time.


I checked the logs, the exact same thing happens in both Explosive Situation instances. explosive situation 1: create dumper, set dumper angle ... stuff ... end right after that explosive situation 2: create dumper, set dumper angle ... stuff ... end All this happens in the same frame. There is nothing we can manipulate there.


Oh that's awesome news,patrick, a dupe that is RNG dependant is just what we needed Kappa Good thing is it doesn't save much time, so i guess i'll try it in the "i don't care about this run anymore" kind of paces :D


What about 4 minutes minus a little setup is "not much"?


You've had your chips is a 3:00 mission if done very well. I would not call the setup for it a "little setup", still needs to be timed. setup takes around a minute or more even (catalina troll call is the only call you will have available for all i know, you can't use woozie call because you need to answer that) you will have to wait 20 seconds to receive the call in fender ketchup because the driving around part does not take more than 40 seconds. the crates during explosive situation duped can be a troll = 10 seconds 1:30 lost if you don't do the dupe with my estimations (most likely wrong, even less) I wouldn't say that's too much time.


I did 17 test runs, just re-starting the game, loading a save, duping by cheating om=0 and driving there over and over. It is literally 50/50. 8/17 was my result. I then did another ~20 tests where I teleport in rapid succession and the result was the same.

Like you, I had quite some superstitions. ^^

More depressing news: The two dupes that would obsolete the Explosive Situation dupe look hopeless to me: Fender Ketchup (you do not need Quarry to pass two BP instances, the other way is to start the second BP instance after you are inside the facility (with the alarm stuff) by wasted warping out with onmission=0) cannot be passed duped because one instance unloads Johnny and the other one checks if "he" (the now despawned Johnny) is performing a specific animation. That causes a crash. If anyone has a video of how he managed to pass one instance (IIRC, someone said he did and IIRC I also did it once, weeks ago), link it here, please, for my curiosity. Passing one instance obviously does not help (unless it allows duping ES but in my case it crashed) and passing both crashes the game.

YHYC cannot be duped inside the marker, since CJ is teleported out of the casino one frame after onmission=1. So if you run back into the casino and start the second YHYC instance, the game crashes at the very start because it tries to rotate an object with handle 0. I have already had things with handle 0 in a duped mission: duped Outrider, for T-Bone. I would like to have an explanation how it turns 0... In YHYC, the corresponding variable is never set to 0 anywhere. I used a teleporter to dupe the mission during the starting cutscene and it did not crash. It crashed after mission passed because it tried to rotate the same object as it tried to rotate during the crash that happens if you dupe the mission by running back into the marker. The game did not crash at mission start though, but after mission passed, after the passed instance removed that object as part of a cleanup. So it tried to rotate a despawned (non-existant) object and crashed.

Washington, USA

Anybody have any idea what happened here?

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