5 years ago
South Australia, Australia

someone lock plz?

TheFirstOreo likes this
United States

making a new account would be entering the community anonymously, without anybody knowing that youre joggins. proving that you do not fake any runs anymore would probably take you to actually prove it, although i think that people are starting to believe you now after your 2:30 WAS actually scraped top to bottom to make sure it wasnt fraudulent.

TheFirstOreo likes this
Wisconsin, USA

still don't think any of his runs should be accepted yet. Not after he stole other peoples runs, it won't sit well with me knowing that someone like that is on the leaderboards

(also yeah lock this up bois).

hsblue likes this
Prince Edward Island, Canada

Got to agree with Oreo on this one, also congrats rengj :D

Sen, hsblue, and TheFirstOreo like this
United States


lets all admire joggins for a moment

Xalaputan, WiM45 and 4 others like this
Wisconsin, USA

I wouldn't like to "bully" this poor kid, but tbh it is hella funny.

Sen and hsblue like this

honestly he's doing all this to himself

Xalaputan, TheFirstOreo and 3 others like this
South Australia, Australia

who would like his comments?

Wisconsin, USA

gotta feel bad for the kid tho

Derpidude and Sen like this
Nova Scotia, Canada

what if new pb submit 2 years from now

United States

if you submit two years in the future, nobody will remember this (most likely). however, since the game is around one year old at the time, two years is 200% longer than the game has even existed to the public. and currently, if you prove that a run you submit is NOT fraudulent, you can still submit it. theres really no point in waiting that excessive amount of time

TheFirstOreo likes this
Nova Scotia, Canada

but no one accept unless new acount and pretend to be difernt person

United States

joggins. have you heard of twitch? it is a FREE online service to broadcast your gameplay live for other people to see. if you make it obvious that you are the one playing the game, maybe by a signature media source in the corner, almost everybody will believe that it is you. if you convince somebody that your 2:30 run was indeed you playing and not a recording like pata's run, then that could be verified. nobody here wants to see you fail. a legitimate run is a legitimate run, and that can be verified. you do not need to and should not make a new account.

Xalaputan and TheFirstOreo like this
Nova Scotia, Canada

can only do 2 run daily not enough time for twitching

United States

well, then, the twitch won't apply to you (but if you are a sub-3 runner im amazed that you make the time for the humble folk in the goi community when you only have six minutes a day to play. honestly, bravo to you man. youre my idol). but then my point still stands and i will put it in a separate lines so that you can see them clearly and not forget about them again:

you can put a camera of your hand moving in the corner of your screen as you play

you can put a camera of your face as you play

you can play a signature GIF in the bottom (but that one might not be that solid)

you can get somebody to verify that your recent run is not cheated off of somebody else's (which somebody HAS ALREADY DONE. a mod has already looked through past runs and verified that your run is legitimate. if you turn it in officially on the leaderboard it will most likely be accepted). but, if you want future runs to be seen as valid, there are a million different ways to prove that they arent fraudulent. hell, you could even make a discord account and screenshare with someone as you play! there are so many ways to do it. right now you should start by submitting your 2:30 and see where that takes you, then evaluate your standing (in the future) and see where you can go from there.

davidoosh, WiM45 and 2 others like this
Wisconsin, USA

Tbh, I agree with Sen here, although it would unsettle me that a cheater is on the leaderboards you could easily redeem yourself by doing runs legit from now on, starting with your 2:30.

United States

It's not that hard to make a Discord account, by the way.

Sen likes this
United States

by not that hard, he means its extremely easy. took me two minutes. also its free and you dont need to give any personal information. click this link to register an account https://discordapp.com/

United States

how do i mute threads

Derpidude and Amorphous like this
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