New category proposals
1 year ago

We've received quite a few category proposals for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet in these forums.

Currently, which categories will exist and with what ruleset is being discussed in the Switch Pokémon Speedrunning Discord. You can find that Discord here:

Note that any categories with very arbitrary goals (such as most of the ones already requested in these forums) will not be added to the main leaderboard, but to a Category Extensions leaderboard for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet. Our policy regarding those runs is to require people having done runs of those categories before requesting a leaderboard for them. We ask you to refrain from requesting a category without having a video displaying said category.

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Cartridge or digital game? Which to use?

All Pokémon games on Nintendo Switch run significantly faster on Digital copies. It is therefore recommended to download them for speedruns.

Additionally, make sure to store the games on your internal storage and not an SD card, as these also have longer load times. You can move a digital game

1 year ago
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