Everdrive Question (No, it's not another "Can I..." question)
5 years ago

So recently I heard a friend's run was rejected cause it was done on Everdrive. Now, I'm not here to argue the decision cause it clearly says in the rules that it isn't allowed, however I'd like some clarification.

What makes Everdrive runs disallowed? Is it timing issues or something else? Thanks in advance!

New York, USA

OoT speedruns are only accepted on an official Nintendo release of the game, such as N64 cartridge, Wii VC, gamecube disc, etc. We make an exception for Project64 versions 1.6 or 1.7 as an emulator that the moderators are familiar with and can verify easily. Even this one exception comes with the tradeoff that runs submitted on emulator can't be within 10% of the WR time. This incentivizes new players to learn on emulator if it is their only option but move to a real console if they decide to invest the time to get good.

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