What count as load?
4 years ago
Basque Country

With the new change to the leaderboard, now there is a time where you just subtract the time of the "loads" So, well, the question is so simple: What count as load? What exactly part are subtracted for the time without loads? I can imagine a bit, but want to know exactly Thanks

Minnesota, USA

I believe a loading screen is any time the screen fades to black, so levels loading in, pipe transitions, etc.

KilleDragon, Toogs, and BMAN like this
Basque Country

WAIT. Soooo… I just remember this idea today and reaice about something The famous diference until 5-3 and 5-2 consist on that 5-2 is longer just because you need more pipe transitions So, if is true that the transitions are changed… Now 5-2 is shorter tan 5-3 !? Maybe I reach late for this conversation, but the fact that this is important

Pays de la Loire, France

No 5-3 is still faster without loads. Pipe transitions aren't loads.

Pidgey, KilleDragon, and Zennan like this
Basque Country

Ah, okey Thanks for the clarification

Minnesota, USA

At the time that I wrote that response, it wasn't clear (at least to me) that pipe and door transitions weren't loads, so that was my bad.

KilleDragon likes this
Washington, USA

Pipe transitions are loads. It's the animation of going into them and the loss of full speed that loses time from what Josh told me. The way I've seen everyone time runs has removed every single black screen in the run.

BMAN, Squashh_1, and KilleDragon like this
Minnesota, USA

ok yea. to sum it up: every frame that the screen is black or has a level banner is a frame of loading. pipes and doors included. pipe transitions however are not loads. assuming we are calling pipe transitions the time it takes to enter and exit the pipe, not the load from the pipe.

KilleDragon likes this
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