NSMBW Unofficial Emulator Leaderboards!
4 years ago
United States

Hello! I know that emulator runs are not allowed for submission here, so I have decided to try something. I have created an unofficial leaderboard for emulator runs of all New Super Mario Bros. Wii categories, including the miscellaneous categories. You can find the rules, where to submit runs, and leaderboards here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-DG4uIkZMWdWGJrphO5R5b7sOLMQMdmdnqO8oTG5jEY/edit?usp=sharing

I'm not sure how this will work out, but I'm excited and willing to give this a shot!

KilleDragon likes this
Basque Country

Yes, dude, yes! So Good joob! lmao. I have a Wii lol, but I think that is nice to can be used emulators, and because of reasons that I dont know, we cant get the emulators in the SpeedRun.com page. I feel like that we been more time that the live of my acount with people that cant subbmit the runs because they cant use emulators and they have not a Wii or WiiU. Many people was need that, so thank you by the part of all the people that been without can to have a emulator´s leaderboard all this time lol :v xd. Is realy a Good idea, and so easy. How I didnt have me the idea to to this before… I am so stupid lol :v .

By the way, I continue without understand why the mods of NSMBW of SpeedRun.com doesn´t like to use emulators. The only think that I Heard in respect of that is:

  • "To can use emulators in others NSMBs doesn´t mean that we need to have the same rule".
  • "You dont need a leaderboard to run a SpeedRun".
  • "If you like to do a SpeedRun in emulator, do it, simply dont submit"
  • "Pls stop of spamming the add of emulators"
  • "No is NO" And things like this lol. Pls I would be like a moderator explain to have a reasonable reason to cant be a leaderboard with emulators to this game, and I shut up (in respect of this theme lol).
Toogs likes this
Basque Country

@Toogs I look the leaderboards. I doesnt know that is posible to do a questionnarie in a Doc of Google lol. Great Job!

Toogs likes this
United States

@KilleDragon Hey, thanks, man! I really appreciate that you took the time to check it out!

KilleDragon likes this
United States

@KilleDragon And apparently they don't like using emulators because it's not accurate to the original Wii? I've played on both an emulator and an original Wii, and I can't tell the damn difference aside from the emulator having faster loading times.

KilleDragon likes this
Basque Country

@Toogs no problems men!

Toogs likes this
Basque Country

And yeah, I dont understand why are bad the emulators lol Maybe the time of the transitions into levels are different, ooor… In fine, if is that, we can do another leaderboard apart of the original to only emulators. Would be not going to be so difficult, no? I would can change, but im not moderator, anotehr thing that Will be never going to change, so F

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Toogs likes this
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