Using AutoHotkey to bind shoot and down to the same key for double shot glitch instead of CTRL+Y
1 year ago

So quick question I'm not entirely sure if this would be considered against the rules or not but let's say you get to to a spot where you need to bind double shot right, well.. what if you just had a function in AutoHotkey if you're using it for your controls that when pressing a button it binds shoot and down to the same key for you rather then needing to do it with ctrl y. And when you get to a spot where you need to unbind it you have another key function that binds shoot and down back to their original keys that you had before.

Now I know that this takes a lot away from the game but this is just a hunch that I have had for quite a while now. And I don't see this as cheating as its just rebinding your controls mid game. So I was just wondering if this would be possible or if its not allowed. Please let me know thanks :D


Using Autohotkey for anything else than your basic control binds (so you don't have re-do them every reset) should not be allowed.

Rebinding controls is a thing that takes variable amounts of time (missclicks happen, bad mouse placements, etc), so it should remain part of the run.


Ahh I see ok that's what I thought that's why I said it takes a lot away from the game thanks for clarifying :D

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