Different Platforms
4 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

I'm interested in speedrunning deltarune on the nintendo switch and I'm just curious if there are any pros or cons for running the game on the switch instead of PC or any other platform.


The game is about the same as if played on PC. If you prefer to play on Switch there aren't really any gameplay differences.

thepotato_666 and Tadyman like this
Oregon, USA

Technically, Switch is actually faster because it has a console exclusive glitch that saves a bit of time but it requires multiple frame perfect inputs and isn't really worth going for as far as I know.

Tadyman and nullscythe like this
California, USA

You can even use a keyboard on Switch, so it's pretty much the same experience. There are some very minor differences but none that would make one version significantly worse.

Tadyman likes this
New Jersey, USA

no specific version is better, it is just a matter of preference

Tadyman likes this
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Addition of IGT to Deltarune

About a month ago, there was a community poll held in the discord to add IGT to Deltarune. After a close poll of about 70 to 5, we have added the use of IGT to the game. This IGT only makes a difference to the All Chapters categories, removing the time spent switching between chapter 1 and chapter 2

1 year ago