Misc Glitches Thread
3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

I discovered a Wrong Warp that can be done with the Fire Blast magic cave, by avoiding the entrance.

(You can re-enter the shrine in egg room)

Somehow bypassing the main entrance also bypasses saving the exit location for the cave. This needs investigation to see if this can be used to save time.

I tried warping to GQ and Mana #3, but both of these warped me to Portal Device instead.

It is possible to wrong warp to the egg room right before finishing the egg event, but then the portal disappears. So Portal Device early is not possible.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

Seems to have nothing to do with approaching the shrine from behind, but instead the triggers on the way there.

Incredibly confusing.


From Rena in Discord (v1.0):

okay it is a sequence of the MagicCaveTop object that's moving you it's because of the ObjGroups flags for the Hollow. 0800056D=top, 08000671=bottom

if you go to the bottom cave, manually set them to the top value, and enter, it'll send you back to the top cave

I think this is because those flags are telling it to load the top cave entrance and not the bottom, and the cave exit tells it to run the exit animation, which warps you to the entrance object

which is the top one, because it's the one that's loaded if I manually set that value to 0, the cave entrance abruptly disappears when you step on it. if you do it while in the cave, and exit, you don't wrong warp, there's no animation, and you just appear in front of it after a long fade

so it seems like this glitch can only work if there are two magic caves in one map bit 23 is top cave, 31 is bottom (and it looks like there are separate bits for the black spots but they don't actually do anything)

so it would be possible to track down exactly which trigger you need to skip, but sounds like it's not useful

Edited by the author 3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

This one is boring, but I want to include it here to make sure we catalog everything.

We can queue many cutscenes in the game to play when we return to the area. Skip to 1:10 for the trick

Scenarios where we can queue a cutscene:

  • Die on the same frame as trigger based cutscenes
  • Save/quit on same frame as FireBlast based cutscenes
  • Save/quit on last frame before enemy death based cutscenes (Unconfirmed)
  • Save/quit after feeding Garunde Te
  • Unload Blue Mammoth before starting SnowHorn Trial, then return when the trial is finished
  • Flip the Sewer switch to flow towards SHW before Tricky leaves to find his mother

Scenarios where we CANNOT queue a cutscene (as far as I know):

  • Interaction based cutscenes, where A press is required

Cutscenes that do not warp Fox should cancel swim. I think they also might cancel mount state (or maybe just crash if mount is unloaded? unconfirmed)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 and BvqRzxi5 like this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Useless probably. We can keep tricky temporarily unloaded, and load Tricky as a box (no camera OOB used)

  1. Enter/exit the upper mana shrine in TTH. This temporarily unloads Tricky.
  2. Start a waterfall swim without hitting ANY triggers. Most triggers will load Tricky (but not all)
  3. Perform CCE. Eventually Tricky will load, but he will be a box.

Does not seem to work if we do Rocket Boost Early and leave Tricky with the Queen

But it does work before unlocking Walled City, if you do a low-swim setup. We can cause strange glitches during this cutscene by loading Tricky while the cutscene voids.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this

Avoiding the cutscene trigger of CRF race. It's only temporary, but it can break into the room a bit.

zcanann and josejavier1158 like this
San Francisco, CA, USA

It is possible to collect all 3 power gems in CRF in one trip, but it is 50 seconds slower.

This works by hitting a save trigger after pressing all 3 switches. This copies the "active memory" with gates open into "savable memory". Now when we reload the file after save/quit or dying, it refreshes the gate timers.


This would also probably work with the gauntlet at the beginning of CRF, but the problem is that the only save trigger is the Arwing, which is too far.

This probably works in Walled City with the river gauntlet and the SGQ timer events, if we can run back to the Arwing fast enough.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

If you spam Y to feed Tricky while dying, you can soft-lock the game

Edit: This works anywhere in the game while dying. No need to be near an interactable object. This does not work unless an item is hotkeyed, it doesn't matter which one

Only a few frames of the cutscene allow you to press input, so you have to spam it a lot to get a frame that works.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

It is possible to cutscene overlap feeding GrubTubs, just need to Roll + Feed on the same frame

Might be able to use this to save a couple seconds in TAS

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

I mentioned this earlier, but now I have a video

Most triggers you can walk into, if you perfectly time a pause, you can queue the trigger cutscene:

Does not work:

  • TTH egg event -- trigger causes a change in "low-flags"
  • Queen Earthwalker WC cutscene, I'm not sure why
  • CRF Scales intro cutscene -- trigger causes a change outside of flags
Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

It seems that we can do even more stuff while dead:


Rena from Discord for why the crash happens when spamming Y with an item (Abilities/Tricky menu does not crash)

The crash when you spam an item while dying? it happens in a debug print seems to be that it tries to send a message to the player object to tell it to use the item, but the object doesn't respond because it's busy doing the death animation so after doing it a few times, it tries to print an error that the message queue is full sending a message from object X to Y. but Y doesn't exist. in fact it will crash any time you try to use an item while the queue is full, but I don't know any other way to do that

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

It seems if Tricky brings back the ball 10 times, a cutscene plays. This is tracked at address 0x803A3F22 in v1.1

We can stack this with other cutscenes, and also use it to glitch out the camera in some cases:

This trick needs some exploring to see if it can be used to cancel/interfere with other cutscenes in the game.


Normally, you cannot pause after hitting the final HighTop switch -- The Tricky cutscene seems to have allowed it (I think? I could be wrong).

Doesn't matter though, doesn't do anything here.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

Has anyone ever tried to skip this puzzle with TAS?

It seems very close. Just need to save while the gate is moving upwards.

As shown at the end, we can still return after placing SS4 because the gate automatically opens from behind.


Or another route, if you step on the switch 3 times -- the last time step on the switch on the same frame the gate is fully opened:

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
United States

Zac came up with the idea for this sequence break, and I found a way to pull it off:

This TAS-only trick lets us skip the block puzzle in the ocean force point temple link map, which saves about 25 seconds.

This is very tight timing-wise - I even had to roll off the switch as the last gate-moving cutscene was starting just to get a few inches closer to the gate.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Dark-X-rane, zcanann, and BvqRzxi5 like this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Useless, but if you use ESW to DIM to lose Tricky, then return to Ocean Force Point Temple exterior, you can do a "zombie hover"

It is not possible to control Fox's direction significantly, no matter what starting direction you choose.


Full video:

With godmode:

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

This isn't new, but since there's no video which explicitly shows this trick alone, I figured I'd post a video of it here in this thread.

This video shows how the TAS can skip the cannon and the ice blaster in Cape Claw:

josejavier1158 likes this
Ontario, Canada

This was probably already known, but this is the first I'm hearing of it: you can get some interesting effects by equipping something to the Y button, selecting Fire Blaster or Ice Blast with the A button, and using both at the same time. Most of the effects aren't very interesting, but I'll list the ones I tried.

Equip one of these to Y and use them at the same time as fireball/ice blast:

Staff Booster: if near a pad, this will crash the game. The spell casting animation clears the "target object" variable, then the boost animation looks at it to see where to boost you from, and dereferences a null pointer. (If you have MMU turned off, this instead warps you to near 0,0,0, but that's impossible on console.)

SharpClaw Disguise: you become disguised while still aiming the (now invisible) staff. You can't shoot, though.

Firefly Lantern, Tricky Come, Tricky Stay: these just do their normal effects and also activate the spell.

Most other things: nothing will happen, and you won't be able to shoot anymore until you press B. Strange, but probably not useful. (I did try Portal Spell near a door to see if this bypassed the MP requirement, but it does not.)

There might be other interesting contexts to try this in, such as placing a spellstone or feeding the queen, or using a Tricky command after you've lost him (if it doesn't just un-equip itself).

Also, if you have one of fire/ice equipped, start using the other, then hit Y, it will switch to that one. eg: equip ice, select fire, shoot a fireball, hit Y, now A shoots ice instead.

Unrelated and useless: if you roll into the trigger in DarkIce Mines that activates the scene of Fox walking into the blizzard and coming back out, you can glitch the animation slightly. With perfect timing of roll + disguise + hitting the trigger, you can do a complete roll during the scene, after which Fox glides instead of walking. If you do a Ground Quake while hitting it, the sound effect plays but no quake happens.

Also, to confirm, the magic cave wrong warp is useless. It can only warp you between the two caves in the Hollow. (It happens because you bypass the trigger that loads one cave opening and unloads the other; then when you emerge, the first available cave-opening object - now the wrong one - runs the exit animation, which moves you to it.)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
zcanann and josejavier1158 like this
San Francisco, CA, USA

While the Fuel Cell dialog is open, we can control the bike and fly all the way to the top of Krazoa Palace. When the Fuel Cell dialog closes, Fox warps to the bike location (but the bike will unload afterwards)

Some notes:

  • Even if we found a way to hit the save trigger up here, the cage will respawn.
  • Once the bike leaves the map, you cannot steer it while dialog is open
  • It is difficult to land on top of Krazoa Palace, most bike coordinates cause a crash. I think Fox needs to fall into Krazoa Palace -- but not warp directly inside.
Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

This one was discovered/suggested by BvqRzxi5

In FireBlast/Freeze Blast stance, use Rocket Boost while shooting at the same time (A + Y on same frame).

In an emulator with MMU Disabled, Fox will warp to coordinates (0, Fox Y, 18), allowing Fox to hit triggers from far away.

This will likely crash on a console. However, if Nintendo ever releases an emulated version of SFA for a future console, then this glitch might work.

josejavier1158 likes this

DarkIce Mines bike enters GrubTub's room This isn't new but I've lost the video so I'm posting it again

zcanann and josejavier1158 like this

It's trivial, the block sinks into the step

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