100% Category?
6 years ago
Colorado, USA

I'm pretty interested in trying to figure out the best pathing for this. I've already got a general idea, and I'd like to put it up on the site once I make an actual run of it.

Colorado, USA

Ok. Basic pathing is finished! I'll upload a video and link it here when I do a test run. I really hope this becomes a category, because it was pretty fun to do! A lot of downtime, but still fun!

Colorado, USA

Got the first run done! Hope you guys like it!

North Holland, Netherlands

Isn't True Ending stil. 100%? unless you want to account for Ucey's Awakenings Bosh Rush and that doesn't really add anything to the run.

Colorado, USA

In this case 100% is trophies. As far as I know, you don't need true love, people are pigs, or gate crasher to get true ending. Time is called when you get the Hastur trophy. I will be testing things in the next few days to see exactly which trophies you need for true ending so I can help streamline the pathing for it.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
North Holland, Netherlands

I'm aware you don't need all achievements/trophies for Hastur. We could never fully test it because pc achievements are pretty final and even resetting the game doesn't clear everything. On pc you only had to do about 5 acheivements after a reset assuming you got all the acheivements previous. Pretty sure Kharasho's run does have all achievements/trophies in them so then renaming true ending to 100% seems more logical to me

Colorado, USA

We'll need to get a mod to check that before we do rename true to 100%. If Khara doesn't have the criteria for all of the trophies in the run then it wouldn't be valid to make that change.

Edit: I just looked at the run. There's no video anymore, so it would be impossible to verify it again.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
North Holland, Netherlands

Ah twitch's limited vid storage. Good luck with this one xSal :)

Wisconsin, USA

Oof I gotta do work

Wisconsin, USA

Alright, I thought about it pretty long and hard and I'm going to say getting all achievements would be required for a 100% run and of course the Trophy/Achievement would have to appear on screen to ensure that it was unlocked and to make sure the run is valid. If you feel like this shouldn't be the case then you can message me on discord with some counter arguments. 100% is also going to have it's own category for now.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Colorado, USA

Thanks, xSal!

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