make Windows% and All Keys% Glitchless
8 months ago
United States

windows% means break ALL the windows in the Neighbor's house. All Keys% Glitchless means get all the keys in the Neighbor's house and do it without glitches.

Edited by the author 8 months ago

The first one is a no go from me and the second one may be considered from my part tbh

Texas, USA

the first one has already been denied ever since last year. the second one may get added but we'd need votes on that.

TimMarvelHero likes this
United States

oh didn't know the first one was already denied. But alr!

Edited by the author 8 months ago

windows% sounds dumb ngl cuz there are different acts with different amounts of windows for example act finale has none that are breakable

TimMarvelHero likes this
United States

Yes, then Windows% (Act 3)