Alpha 2 Beat The Tutorial
8 months ago
United States

How do you skip grabbing items into the house so the cutscene immediately triggers when Nicky goes to the couch? And how do you skip the cutscene where the Neighbor locks the basement, drinks milk etc. and also to skip the cutscene where Nicky wakes up outside? I hope someone understands this thread and informs me.

Texas, USA
  1. grab a box (or two) and keep the key/crowbar in your inventory before you open the front door and remove a nail from the boards.
  2. i think you just press E to skip the cutscenes.
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United States

I always grab the box where there was the first cutscene playing, but I keep all of those items and it still didn't help, but I will try that now thank you!

Texas, USA

edit: having the crowbar equipped seems to help.

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