any% w/ resets
9 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

wondering why it isn't here? unless it's all considered the same? I wanna submit my run but it's w/ resets to use the door warp thingy, but i know most (all?) of these runs are single segment.

Texas, USA

The runs listed under Any% are all single segment speedruns because the rules from the SDA thread said if you exited to the menu or used quicksaving and loading your run became segmented and thus had to be compared against Apjjm's run. So no one really routed/ran non-segmented runs with resets because of this ruling.

If you still want the category listed you can ask Shadowdraft to add it, but you may be the only one to have a run listed there.

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

It's added now as RTA. You can select it when you submit for Any% in a dropdown menu.

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Load Extender Voting Results

Thank you all for voting. The results are as follows:

2.1 Should the Load Extender be allowed for speedruns?

  • Yes: 23 to No: 3

2.2 Which categories should it be allowed for?

  • In accordance with the majority votes, the LE will be allowed in all categories.

2.3 *If the load ex

1 year ago
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