Need help with these 2 problem areas
8 years ago

Hey there,

so, for a couple of days now i'm trying to produce a decent run to submit. And, for the most parts, it's actualy going really well. For the most parts at least. To keep it short, there are 2 "areas" of this run that either can cost me a lot of time or even kill my whole run. And to be honest, it's kinda getting to me. With higher loading times i found myself having wasted around 2 hours each night in the last days just to see a good run getting killed at the very end. No matter how many hours i train it beforehand, when push comes to shove, i cant seem to do it. So this is why, i'd like to ask for help in order to get more consistent with these two parts. I've recorded a small video each with the problem areas to show exactly what i mean. If you have ANY tips as to how you do it to make it more consistent, that help would really be greatly apreciated.

So, here we go:

First problem area: Whats the problem? I have seemingly no control over where i land after the OoB. Its either a hallway, the same place i startet, the teleporter OR in fact shauns office. It can work 1st try, or it can take up to 5 mins. Any reference points, or movement details would really help:

Second problem area: Whats the problem? Easy, the first ledge to clip (i randomly fall backwards into the building) and the final clip through the floor. The problem with the floor clip is that i either dont clip at all, OR that i dont have enough time to react and let go of holding 'back'. In tests I normally have between 0.5 and 1 second. In runs however i get the invisible bucket glitch 90% of the time, which only gives me approx. 0.1 seconds to react. Again, every input here is greatly apreaciated. I.e. which side do you clip on, how do you prevent clipping the wall behind you etc.

This area ^^ is the absolute killer for me. Instead of 30 seconds you would need, it can take up to 35minutes to get which obviously kills my runs in the very end.

Hope i could make it clear where my problems are and that someone has an idea for improvement, thx in advance for your help :)


First problem. Take the other wall. Behind that scientist, and just drop. Dont jump or move in the air. Try that. :)


wow! thank you so much! it's working 100% for me now :) Now i only need a strat for that run killer in the end :D

First video: the way we did it in runs is we turned 90 degrees right and held forward for a bit. That should result of you landing in the hallway.

Second: We have two different strategies to skip the climb now. Check either bubbledelfuego's past broadcasts for his recent runs(because highlighting PBs is for chumps), or check the "clip warp" video here

But if the slides dont work on console, or you just really want to do the climb: for the first clip, you can skip it by climbing the elevator wall to the right(it's finicky). For the second one, there is a backup for when you fall into the building, but it's hard to describe. I recommend checking my PB at 1:57:40-1:59:10 to see what I mean with both clips. ()

(I still recommend just skipping the climb using a cover slide, though. It's less consistent but if you can do it, it's faster.)


I would go with this, same bubble uses And in my channel there is one more jump in the same spot, or just bucket climb ^^


"or you just really want to do the climb" -> hahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahaha ¤cries¤ ...... nope.... I didn't call that segment "Bitch climb" or in more recent runs "fuck this fucking fuck shit fuck fuck fuck" because i liked it so much xDDDD I'm pretty sure you can't imagine this, but the item climb on Console can get rediculously hard. Like seriously. I had skips in other games i had to train for more than 15 hours to get them the first time and this particular climb is still the worst thing i ever had to do in any game :D So yeah, if i could skip it i would very much opt in on that. Will definetly look through the vids of bubble, got maybe a pointer as to what i'm looking for? The normal teleport glitch works on console, so i hope that the clip warp will also work

Edit: Thx for the link skywalk :) can you give a small description of what you're doing?


Do the 1st/3rd person glitch. back a bit. and double tap the button that changes the 3rd person, so you should be able to use the "glitch" again after that. coz on first view change i could not jump/fling so high. second time over it. then backd away from the first point and changed back to 1st and double tap jump and holded it down. hope it works on console.


thx for the explanation :) Will try it when i'm back at my ps4 :) First edit: The double teleport glitch works! :P Just not consitent, but i'll try it out for the next couple of hours :D thx so much for the explanation :D


hope it helps :) gl with that :) if it does not work. Do the save 1/3rd, hide weapon then go back to first person, then back to 3rd and take weapon out, then jump+pipboy, hold jump, close pipboy. dunno how consoles work on that one tho. try everything :)

skywalk, why are you recommending the old method for the MF jump? is the one you posted recently less consistent?


I will also try that skywalk :D My problem atm is a) I cant get the "super jump" consistently atm and b) i cant make it up to the roof atm. I had a few good tries so far, but i always seem to hit a "roof" before i can steer towards the roof. I guess maybe i would have more success in getting the jump itself if i could see what goes on when you do this glitch


Dunno :D I havent seen it used on a run or either used it on myself on a run.(busy finding new shit) but if you wanna FT after decoding that chip it does not matter which jump you use. Plus! dont know how those will work on console...

Edit: So you hit a "roof" in the air or the MF roof? start steering after you go pass the MF top


yeah that would be my plan (the steering after i go past the roof) :D but i cant seem to get that high. Lemme see if i can get a vid of it Also, regarding the "if its possible on console" issue, with other games we always just said "if you can do it on PC with a console Framerate -> it's possible on console". May that framerate be 30 or 60 or whatever, but normally thats a good guideline to go by. Aka, if that method is possible with 30 Fps i dont see a reason why it shouldn't work. Speaking from a dev point of view, i'm pretty sure there are virtually no differences between consoles and Pc. The only things different are Mem access, loading things into memory and such stuff. Pretty sure the world itself is created using an engine, where as NPC / weapons / features are implemented with behaviour scripts. Normally the engine only translates to the specific platform, at least thats what Unreal etc do. So, if its not a fps thing, it should be possible to do on a console.


that happens to me when i dont do the "double tap 1st/3rd key" before i do the super jump.

Edit. AAH. ty for that. :) have to keep that in mind :) i apologize for any harm i have done. :)


this is what i mean by "invisible roof". there doesn't appear to be something above me, yet i suddenly got stopped. Anything i'm doing wrong? So far i've only once gotten the height for the roof, so i know that its possible to get.


try going little more left before doing the super jump, seemd like it flinged you towards the tower. and did you double tap jump and hold the second tap. Just tried and if i did it too quick it did not launch me in the air.


little more left? Lemme give that a shot :D I did double tap jump and hold the second jump, do you meant the "double tap speed" with if its too quick it doesnt launch? edit: Woooohooo! With the "a little more to the left" and the fast but not too fast double taps i just got the required height for the 2nd time :D


or right. :D depending on the line you hit that pile of sand that flings you up. to me it seems, that too quick and the game does not register it as a second jump. or other way around :D i only found it! OK! :D keep trying :)


Just got it for the first time :D Sadly.... i died :D But for a short moment, i was up on the roof :D Now to train it for the next few hours xD Anyway, do you need a power armor to survive that fall? Also, thanks so much for your help, if i can get this, i might even be able to finish a damn run xD


it helps. check bubbledelfuego last stream vods like Arctice suggested. he uses power armor. have fun jumping :D good luck :)