level leaderboards
5 years ago
South Australia, Australia

can we have each section of splits in "level leaderboards?" would be cool

Testosterone, BRANGA and 2 others like this
New South Wales, Australia

I think this might be a good idea. But I doubt the mods will agree.

hsblue likes this
South Australia, Australia

thats what i thought ;-;

BRANGA likes this
Wisconsin, USA

Gets hard trying to find the best splits for certain parts of the game so I think that a level leaderboard would make it easier to find the best splits and to make CSR

(I wish someone made this thread sooner)

Cosidion, BRANGA and 2 others like this
South Australia, Australia

well now its a thread. if we get lots of people to agree with this then maybe something could happen.

BRANGA likes this
New South Wales, Australia

A problem, however, may be that it would get hectic for the mods with all the runs being uploaded

hsblue likes this
Wisconsin, USA

But it wouldn't be too bad knowing that the WR splits are all under 10 seconds

hsblue likes this
South Australia, Australia

defiantly doable

Sen likes this

Hmm, couple of problems with this. One is obviously that splits aren't really levels, but stranger things have happened on speedrun.com than someone misusing a section for what it isn't intended. I think the biggest issue with this is it'd be very hard to enforce where a certain "level" starts and ends. The autosplitter is very easy to edit with just a text editor. It might not sound like a big deal, but imagine a situation where someone just barely beats the WR for a split and then someone accuses them of cheating. And there's also no way of running just a single section of the level. The save state mod is obviously not allowed since the last time we allowed it for restarts we realised it changed the physics. This means that most PBs would just be from regular run attempts.

I think it's a great idea to keep track of WR split times, but perhaps just a thread on the forum or a google document might suffice for that.

Bogdan_mk, davidoosh and 4 others like this
New South Wales, Australia

Dammit! Good point.

South Australia, Australia

darn. at least someone can make the forum for wr splits if they want :) also whats different between the instant start and new game?

United States

instant start? you mean the ctrl +r restart?


No. For a short time we allowed people to use a mod developed by AS13B. The mod was originally made for save states, it'd move you anywhere on the map.

The idea was to use that mod to allow instant restarts via a save state that mimics the position when you start the game, but it turns out doing this changed the physics so that they were slightly more slippery which meant it was harder to get stuck on things making runs a lot more consistent. All of this was made pointless anyway with the introduction of instant restart into the game by Bennett.

And just to make it fully clear, yes you're allowed to use instant restart in runs. :p

Vanya, BRANGA, and hsblue like this
Ontario, Canada

you guys don't understand, mods don't add anything

New South Wales, Australia

Don't diss the mods

hsblue likes this
United States

no kiakora, they dont add anything besides what they were supposed to add, but as Apok said right above:

"...but it turns out doing this changed the physics so that they were slightly more slippery which meant it was harder to get stuck on things making runs a lot more consistent."

hsblue likes this
Ontario, Canada

what do you mean don't diss the mods? I wasn't really dissing them necessarily I'm just saying that nothing anyone's asked for is going to happen. I also wouldn't care getting banned for dissing mods because I don't speedrun this game anymore.

hsblue likes this
North Macedonia

Stop asking for changes to the game. It's not needed nor necessary at all, this game doesn't have levels, they are splits, completely different. There can't be IL's, only segments which you can easily find who has the WR for them on the GOI Discord. Stop with the game category ideas, you should be glad Snake% is a thing. If you aren't interested in the game, why even bother posting anymore, move on with your "life". This game isn't complicated, there is only one true category for it, and it is "Glitchless" deal with it!

Bogdan_mk and Vanya like this
South Australia, Australia

Damn saj chill out. you're going way to hard on the kid. Also didn't the mods settle this last month? why are there people still talking about this dead thread? (rhetorical question)

Sen and BRANGA like this
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Slight Change to the Individual Levels, again.

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It has now been decided by the mod team that mobile runs should not be allowed on the individual level leaderboard due to their inaccuracy in timing. All mobile runs will be removed and no more will be ac

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