New category: No hobslides.
6 years ago
European Union

That category already exists and is called "Any%" - the rules don't force you to use hobslides. In fact getting a good time without it is possible (e.g. the run of PenguinPero is without Hobslides)

Victoria, Australia

whats a hobslide?

Virginia, USA

Instead of requesting such a category could be added, you could just learn the movement tech that makes the game faster. This is speedrunning after all.

Penapenis likes this
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Don't be lazy, learn the tech, simple

Penapenis likes this

Play Crash 1, easy solution, np np

She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Don't play Crash 1, it's torture. It's ruining my life

Deathwysh and Penapenis like this

hobslide is the only reason I started to enjoy the speedrun of this game xD


Ruining lifes? Even more reasons to play Crash 1!


"Frames per second (FPS) must be capped at 60 for PC. For that purpose, an FPS counter has to be clearly visible the whole time - you for example can use the Steam internal FPS counter. Any PC submissions that exceed 60 FPS or do not have an FPS counter in the video will be rejected"

This is not Any%. OP has a fair point.

I'm just being a douche here. It's too ironic to let it pass.


"OP has a fair point." tbh. I don't see any point made, this is also movement tech that you can do by accident and then your run would have to be rejected, banning glitches just isn't good idea.


Since capping the PC version at the level of console versions is done without reasoning, why not create this random category? That's why he has a fair point.

Virginia, USA

There was a reason, you just chose to ignore it.

PeteThePlayer likes this

What is the reason then?


PC version isn't capped at the level of console version (we'd have to cap PC to 30 fps in that case), it is capped because developers/porting team(?) decided that it should be capped to 60 fps and as Riko said, you just ignore our reasoning


It's not hard capped. If it was hardcapped you wouldn't be able to force v-sync off and play with uncapped framerate.

Just because developers intended a certain way to play the game it doesn't mean that it's the way you should play it. That's the purpose of speedrunning for the most part.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Dude just stop

Riko, McCrodi, and toca like this
Poland Also you need to force v-sync off outside game (And I'm not sure if it's basically possible to force it off that way for every game)


There are games that have hardcoded fps cap. One example I remember at the moment is Doom (2016) that caps it at 200 no matter if you force vsync off. There's also Bejeweled 3 where is hardcoded to cap at 100 fps.

Vsync is a feature like variable resolution or variable framerate. On PC games you can choose what you want. If you watch the video I posted above you'll see why Vsync is undesirable in a high performance gameplay.

In the cases where high FPS breaks everything in a detrimental way it doesn't make sense to have it uncapped. Banning it from the start with the reasoning "Devs don't intended that way" doesn't make any sense.

Virginia, USA

The point is that uncapping FPS requires changing settings that are literally outside of the game itself. It's not a matter of whether or not it was intended; Crash runs have historically always banned anything that involves manipulating something outside of the game or run itself. This is one of the MANY reasons we decided to cap the game.

I explained this in the previous thread, and you chose to ignore it. You're allowed to have your own opinions but several people here who ACTUALLY RUN THE GAME (fun fact, you don't/haven't) have explained why we have things set the way we do. Constantly telling us what we should be doing with OUR game that YOU don't play does nothing except make you look like a douche (which you already admitted to).

We're not changing anything, and if you have a problem with that then you can leave, because you are bringing nothing productive to the table.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Penapenis and McCrodi like this
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