This rule should prevent runs less than seconds/minutes. Game Version: Latest Player leader: Any AI players: 7 random AI without team Ruleset: Gathering Storm Game Difficulty: Prince Start Era: Ancient Era Game Speed: Standard City States: 12 Disaster Intensity: 2 Map: Continents Map Size: Standard Leader Pool 1: Everything Leader Pool 2: Everything Resources: Standard Select City-States: Everything Select Natural Wonders: Everything World Age: Standard Start Position: Standard Temperature: Standard Rainfall: Standard Sea Level: Standard Game Modes: All game modes must be disabled Victory Conditions: All victory conditions must be activated Limit Turns: By Game Speed No Duplicate Civilizations: Activated No Duplicate Leaders: Activated No Barbarians: Disabled No Teams: Disabled No Tribal Villages: Disabled Teams Share Visibility: Activated Game Random Seed: Any Map Random Seed: Any Victory: Science/Culture/Domination/Religion/Diplomatic/Score No mods allowed Proof of setting must be on video
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. Many runs finished early, and they didn't even play the game. Just click "Start Game", click a few buttons, and then game over; it doesn't resemble a common game that most people would play. I hope this rule will slow the speedruns down a little bit.
Well, if I understand correctly the reason why all the games are so short is because of the amount of turns being 1, so the game finishes instantly and I don't see that being modified in this rule set (correct me if I'm wrong tho). I suppose modifing that and the things you mentioned could be a separate category.
The goal of a speedrun is mainly simply to be able to know the minimum time it takes to finish a game. It is absolutely not necessary that the game seems normal, moreover it's rarely the case in speedrun.
Limit Turns is set to By Game Speed, so it will end in 500 turns on standard speed. I knew the goal of a speedrun, but we have different categories to meet different needs. And it‘s cool, right? That's why we have Nuke% and Dog%. I think having a rule that enforces you to walk through the whole Civ 6 gaming process is cool. Maybe it can encourage more people to do a speedrun, making the speedrun a real competition in which you can learn from top players and apply those skills to improve your own gameplay. That's the spirit. I knew a lot of people would compete not by minimum time but by minimum turns they took, because it's a turn-based game. There's a rich diversity. What do you think?
Well, I'm not sure about it. I've just look at the discord, I'm sorry I didn't see you already talk about it and I feel like Acrumus is kinda right when he says it looks like ancient%. If your goal is to make a category where the speedruns would go up to the 500 turns, maybe we have to do a category that would only allow you to do a score victory with Game Speed on standard and the Limit Turns by game speed. Eitherway I feel like it's kinda useless because other victories can still be achieved way before you reach the 500th turns no ? (even with the ruleset you're talking about) Maybe we can add a different category for each victory to differenciate the basic game with Gathering Storm like it has been done for the science victory if that's what you want.
Concerning the idea to compete by minimum turns the speedrun takes, I know that there used to be different measures for the speedruns on Hitman 2 and Crusader Kings II but apparently it has been removed. I think this is a good idea and you should talk about it with other mods because I don't think I'm allowed to add it and/or I don't even know how to do it.
I assumed the run would be 80 to 170 turns, but speedrunners can do better than that. Score Victory of 500 turns is not what I want. And I don't think making a Gathering Storm version for each Victory will meet my goal. Since you mentioned that measuring by turns didn't work out for those games, I'm not sure if it will work for Civ 6. But who knows? Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. I'll talk to them on Discord and see what happens.
It's likely to be a 2-hour run under this run, as I expected. Maybe we could add one new category of Science Victory (Turn-based, Restricted)?
Im with you Donald33. I just posted a tread as well. A category like this would be far more fun to play in i think. Could probably get a few youtubers involved as well, as they current use # of turns as a benchmark for a fast victory.