Category Idea: Boss%
1 year ago
Texas, USA

try to beat a boss as fast as possible and beat the other rounds aswell so you're speedrunning the ENTIRE boss

United States
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

that would be fun. Question: would quitting mid run be allowed? Cause that's a boss strat.

Texas, USA

yes but it would count to your time

Da_BLT_in_LGBT likes this
Texas, USA

just like in bb%

Da_BLT_in_LGBT likes this
United Kingdom

The problem with this idea is the fact that it would only apply to some maps. For example, we've seen bosses on maps like Cubism and Logs before, but not on something like Bloody Puddles (and we probably never will see that). Also, a record may become virtually unbeatable since even when a map does come around twice, the rules are different.

P.S. Sorry about the slightly increased verifying times recently, I've been busy the last days and won't be as active for the next few months so don't be surprised if your runs take a few days to be verified.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Da_BLT_in_LGBT likes this
United States

Hi, so the problem currently with new run ideas like this or any other idea is that us, the btd6 mod team, (me, Arisune, and Pi) are unable to make those on our own.

We don't really have a way to add them to this current leaderboard without making it weird and confusing moreso than it already is.

Thus, the best idea is to put them all in its own category extensions page. Except, we can't do that. The Bloons Series mods have to essentially create a new game for us to manage. So, until they do that, our hands our tied.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Kierrific_Gaming likes this
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Hey all,

Following on from none's previous post, as of update 43.1 things are back to normal. Please make sure your game is updated if you wish to perform any runs with the IGT mod or farms above tier 2.


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