Speedrunning Guide by gcah2006 and MegaHappyBiscuit
Speedrunning Guide by gcah2006 and MegaHappyBiscuit
Updated 8 years ago by OldWillowScrub

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelist of the Roses Speedrunning Guide - Completed on 04/01/2016

Written by MegaHappyBiscuit

I was interested in Speedrunning DotR but there were no guides. I thought all hope was lost until gcah2006 made a video (Link Below) on how to run this game. I decided to take notes for myself so I can learn. He said in his video that people wanted notes but he had no proper guide written, he had all of this from memory. So this is where I came in, I decided to convert my notes into a proper guide and share it with the community.

This guide is kind of extensive and as such exist in spreadsheet format. There's so much information that having the tabs makes this a cleaner guide than it would otherwise be. It also makes going from one section of the guide to the other faster.

The Table of Contents look like such:

Intro, General Tips, Fusions to Know, Starting your Run, Board, Duelist Tabs, Duelist Strats Tabs.

You see everything exist as a sheet in the spreadsheet. Each Duelist tab has info on that duelist, maybe things to watch out for/general tips, and a hyperlink to their respective strats sheet. In the strat sheet, you'll find the different stratagies that you can use on that duelist.

On the Google Spreadsheet, each time you hit the hyperlink button, it'll open that sheet in a new tab on your browser. You can also go to those tabs manually too if you would like. It has to be this way because of how google handles hyperlinks. This loads a new tab and a new instance of the guide, and as such is a little slow.

I also know some people might want to download the guide, so I have also uploaded the spreadsheet to my Dropbox. There are two versions, one that's in Open Office Format and one that's in Excel .xls format. The hyperlink for these works perfectly since it's formatted for offline docs. Just click on Tea Strats (example) and it'll take you right to her strats sheet. Want to go back? Click on Tea at the top of that sheet to go back to her tab.

I hope this brings new people into speedrunning this game!

If you notice an error, or would like something added, please let me know, thanks!

Google Spreadsheets link:


Dropbox: Open Office Format


Dropbox: Excel Format


gcah2006 - Video