Yunica clips
7 years ago
Illinois, USA

Pretty sure I mentioned this to a couple of you before, but here's a small collection of Yunica clips (and a minor one for Toal) I found some time back, but for some reason never got around to recording until tonight:

Not sure if they're already known or not, or if they're just too much of a pain to pull off (they certainly are for me, but I never understood the clipping thing too well to begin with), but hopefully someone can find a way to make use of them. Preferably also with a better setup as well, as what I did doesn't always work (especially for the last door shown).

The first one probably saves the most time, but then again, I don't know just how essential the nearby Emerald is to the overall route. The second one pretty much only saves time if you can do it right away, as the door key is right next to the Mask of Eyes, which is still needed, to my knowledge.

Not sure if similar clipping is possible in other areas. Personally, I haven't had success with it, but then again, I generally suck at it (although, I want to say I once clipped through a boss door with Yunica - unfortunately, I can't remember which one, or if it even happened at all). I do think part of the reason is due to the Wailing Blue doorframes, as it's easy to stay underneath them, whereas the other doorframes tend to push you out. Pretty certain at least part of the reason this works is because Yunica's bouncing off something in a precise manner, but I'm not 100% certain of that.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
ALAKTORN likes this

The toal clip, at the least, we know very well about, and is simply a corner clip (corners in this game, are not very solid at all, as i'm sure you know). it's fairly precise tbh and there's easier ways over that gap nowadays without pressing the switch.

The first Yunica clip would have to be done pretty fast for it to save any time overall, since everything up to Epona 1 (especially epona 1) would slow down, including mobs for levels.

IIRC alaktorn has a way into the room for the talisman without having it, though iirc you'd need to get it anyway later for the evil ring i think.

if the other door is the one that leads straight to velagunder's chamber then that'd also have to be done pretty quickly since it doesn't take very long to open that particular door in the first place.

this said, still good finds. Technically timesaves are there. what's happening, as far as i can tell, is that doors in this game don't check for collision very well (possibly because they move?), and you're simply pushing halfway through before the game knows that it should be blocking you, so it pushes you out the other side. Probably. Doors are still kind of a mystery in some ways (gelaldy door whyyyyyyy)


Nice finds! It’s too bad we need to go to the Roo for the weapon upgrade, otherwise these would save TONS of time. No, the Mask of Eyes isn’t required for any character, there are alternative strats for minor time loss with Yunica and a bit more major with Hugo (for Silent Sands), but it’s all still doable.

I’ve found a setup that’s totally RTA viable, I’ll make a tutorial soon.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Korzic likes this
Illinois, USA

@ALAKTORN - Nice find, that definitely helps make it more consistent, though I personally still have some trouble getting it to work. Guess you need to be pretty darn quick when doing the inputs.

@FellVisage - I don't think throwing off the grinding plan will be too much of an issue, but then again I don't run the game (and don't plan to), so I wouldn't know for sure. But going off the current WR, it looks like for the first door, just the 1 red enemy is killed. The grinding route looks to be unaffected by clipping through the second door / into the talisman room. The 3rd door is indeed the one just before Velagunder. Looks like lHoSvIe kills the enemies leading up to the switch, but avoids the ones going to the door. If going for this door clip, you could probably just instead kill the enemies leading up to the door to put the grinding plan back on track.


it's not so much about the grinding -route-, as much as the fact that yunica's combat is woefully slow without her magic. in Toal's case his basic attacks are pretty good (especially jump slash on anything you can use it on), and godspeed is an overwhelmingly mediocre damage option, so skipping an emerald loses you next to zero dps. however Yunica's charged whirlwind does a significantly higher percent of the damage you deal, and is -almost- not even worth using uncharged in most cases. in particular, the fight with Epona 1 would become FAR more RNG based and harder to manipulate her in any way.

as a seperate note, it'd also pretty much force m+kb for up to epona for consistent combo cancelling so that you actually have some dps and some control over epona.

Korzic likes this
Illinois, USA

I see, so that first Emerald looks to be pretty significant to the route after all. In that case, it's pretty much a toss-up whether or not stepping on the nearby switch is worth it. Depends just how comfortable people are using the clips.