NSO/SwitchVC platform has been added
3 years ago
United States

NSO/SwitchVC is now added, and runs for this platform can now be submitted.

The NSO version of the game is faster than the other platforms. However, NSO is a subscription service that may disappear someday, so we're discouraging it for players who are aiming for the top of the leaderboard.

So, our decision is to allow NSO version runs as long as the leaderboard position is 6th place or lower. In doing this, we can make the game as accessible as possible to more casual runners, but still maintain the other platforms as the definitive competitive versions of the game. We already have this rule in place for emulator runs, for the same reason.

In the future, when Switch is a last-gen console and the NSO N64 library is retired and no longer accessible, we will look at the homebrew options for accessing it. If the game is easily accessible via Switch homebrew like the WiiVC version, then we may be comfortable allowing it for top-placing runs, in which case it will effectively replace WiiVC as the #1 platform.

United States

Thank you!

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