when doing all 1ups no restriction wr attempts, this sometimes happens where i jump through the block while trying to hit the 1up block does anyone know why this happens and how to prevent it cuz its getting annoying, i know the partially clipping through the block thing but still
1 minute and 41 seconds into this video, there is this weird audio crackle - it has happened multiple times to me now. I am wondering, will this affect the verification of the run, as it may seem like a splice? If so, does anyone know of any way to fix this - I am on Nestopia v1.40 Thanks in advance
I do 4:57 attempts on FCEUX emulator. Sometimes during runs, my fps drops to around 50 fps randomly for a split second. This sometimes can be very annoying sometimes, as it screws up the run. Two questions: Does anyone have any solutions to this? Switching to Nestopia is not an option, as it runs at 60 flat FPS on my computer. If this causes time to be lost, so that a run that is 4:57 on the spreadsheet is 4:58 long from the start to the end, will it get verified as a 4:57 or a 4:58?
I didn't do the second pipe jump but still managed to despawn the goomba. It likely is related to my failed fast accel at the beginning.
I was told that hitting the 4-1 powerup would give you good judges every time. If you get good judges, it doesn't matter where you land on the flagpole. I forced good judges, landed at the bottom, and didn't save the framerule?
This might already have been answered, but is Nestopia slower than FCEUX? I used the same SMB1 ROM and did a comparison of a run on FCEUX and a run on Nestopia. Nestopia seems to gradually get farther and farther behind FCEUX as the run goes on.
what are the inputs for full FPG in PAL pls explain to dumb people who have little experience TASing thanks
This is a copy of Bismuth's retiming spreadsheet, except with a few changes.
Frame 17626 isn't the fastest possible time, so I expanded it in that direction. Because Lul_Ecks_Dee discovered a BBG setup for -3.28, getting patterns below 17626 is much more realistic now, so it may be needed sometime in the future(I plan to film more videos later).
Frames by Gunnery Sergeant Hartman and mav6771 do not have information about Boo, Fire, and Direction. I added information about Fire and Direction(I skipped Podoboo because it's trivial).
I expanded the sheet. I added videos and info for 3 more framerules, as well as 4 random frames(There were 3 frames in the middle that were skipped for some reason).
I created purple. Frames by Gunnery Sergeant Hartman and mav6771 were either marked with white or green. I knew a few frames that were yellow but were marked with white, but I was too lazy to go through all of them. I came up with the idea of highlighting it all with purple, which would indicate that it is either white or yellow.
Sorta similar to the minus world in 1-2, but not really. All 3 pipes take you to the same place. IDK if I'm the first to discover this, but does anyone have an explanation for this?