Colorado, USAryan.h1535 years ago

The load/in game time difference was the first thing I noticed when I looked at runs. I'm hoping loads will get faster in a patch like NSane trilogy and it'll make running a little more enjoyable.

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Colorado, USAryan.h1536 years ago

I'd definitely consider any DLC as an option as the category isn't defined yet. If it makes it more interesting and it gets competitive it can be made into something more official with rules

Colorado, USAryan.h1536 years ago

For getting to level 3 via digistruct peak? It's not an official category and DLC is already accepted in some categories so go for it if that's the category you want to create.

thread: BioShock
Colorado, USAryan.h1536 years ago

That'll do it. It's a good idea to check that on whatever save file you use to start the run with (and then just never change that one). Good luck with the runs!

thread: BioShock
Colorado, USAryan.h1536 years ago

That would be weird. Other checks are 1) The elevator skip. That jump is only possible in easy I believe (fall damage increases in higher difficulties). 2) telekenisis should be a one hit kill (although I believe that's the case in both easy and normal).

Did you notice big daddy's taking an extra shot as well? When you're in game and go into the options menu can you confirm that it says your difficulty is easy there?

thread: BioShock
Colorado, USAryan.h1536 years ago

3 should still be able to get the kill off though. The only thing that could effect that is if you miss the upgrade station at the end of Neptune's Bounty. At the end of that level the upgrade station is used to upgrade launcher damage (only upgrade in the run). You'll know you're doing it right because Big Daddy's in Hephaestus won't take 5 shots (just 4) and Fontaine will take 3 proximity mines to kill (or 2 to get to 1hp like Smurfy said).

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

I had a similar issue. I've run the game multiple times before and I didn't travel to sanctuary after flame of the firehawk until level 10 but the vendors were still level 9. I'll put a link to the relevant parts (if more of the stream is needed let me know).

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

Traveling away and back did work. Giving it more slowly didn't seem to work (I put the file in read only to test a bit) but it might be that you have to do it slowly the first time, if it ever locks it doesn't work. Not sure. But traveling out and back (without save quitting worked).

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

I had a problem recently where moxxi wouldn't actually hand me the bad touch. She'd say the dialogue ("this isn't my favorite...) but wouldn't actually pull it out. Tried save quitting and clearing out most of my inventory. Is this something that happens to other people?

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

I know the record doesn't. I was wondering if anyone has done a top time (like sub 2:20) with the new route.

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

Has anyone done a good run with this (any% gaige)? I feel really underleveled in bloodwing's area and even though the extra chest checks are nice it makes it fairly harder until lvl 15 for me. With the checks I'm only saving like ~30-40 seconds. Does that sound right/is it worth it?

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

I know the fast travel isn't there but you can spawn at the bar just outside overlook. I just don't really understand how the skip works.

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

Ok, I figured it out. I was hitting reload too fast. You have to wait for the reload text to come up or it doesn't swap. I was doing some testing and figured it out. Here's the video for anyone that has the same issue. Start at 2 minutes for an explanation of how to get infinite ammo and then build up the smash. Can't believe I didn't figure it out earlier.

Ok, cool. I didn't know you could transfer that with merging. Just tested it though and it's awesome. Thanks seanpr.

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

Also, just out of curiosity, what was causing your health regen late game in your PB? Once my clip is too large and there's no passive regen I have trouble getting back above health gate. It looks like you're getting health back from overkill damage?

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

That's what seems to make the difference to me. It might be related to the downtime? But when I have to hit the reload button every single time I switch weapons I think the stacks are increasing and decreasing at the same rate.

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

By pulling it out, do you mean just switching to it? Not taking it out of your backpack?

When you smash do you have to hit the reload button every time you switch to the smasher? I think that might be a difference, since whenever I don't have to hit reload manually it works.

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

What do you mean by "very little down time". I'm having trouble finding anything that mentions the stacks going away/decreasing (which is what's happening) when I just swap back and forth. Also, with infinite I don't get the explosion animation when just switching to the smasher, I have to reload manually.

Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

I'm trying the double run (and have watched the WR run for it), but I'm having an issue. For some reason when I have infinite ammo my smash is random, but doesn't build. It'll stay around 100 indefinitely.

After playing around I've determined that one difference is when I don't have infinite ammo the gun reloads automatically when I switch to it (and stacks normally). When I have infinite ammo I have to reload manually (hit the reload key) every time I switch to it. Also, when doing this if I have a smash, every time I switch to the evil smasher I lose one stack (ex: I have 117, switch to smasher, don't reload, switch back, I have 100, i.e. I have lost one stack).

I've tried copying the steps in the run but it doesn't seem to work for me and I don't want to to stack a bunch and then start TVHM, I'd rather stack on the go, (for speed). So stacking and then getting infinite ammo is (hopefully) no an option.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

thread: BioShock
Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

That's it. I was looking as I was walking out of the room with the door. Thanks.

thread: BioShock
Colorado, USAryan.h1537 years ago

Sometimes I don't have the radio message "say high to Ryan for me" when I start olympus (and have to play 3 to get through the area instead of one). Is there something I'm missing to get this consistent?

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