United Statesenbee4 years ago

I'm fine with drawing tablets personally.

Imaproshaman likes this
United Statesenbee4 years ago

Sorry, srcom doesn't really notify me about these posts. Feel free to send me Discord messages or Twitter notifications.

I'd be willing to add it if someone else wants to also moderate. I can see that there's a good chance that I could wake up to someone submitting a new IL run for every single level just by cropping their PB run up. Personally Moon was added more as a joke, but my mindset is that longer levels in other Books would make more sense to add rather than levels in Book 1 that are incredibly short.

flipss, Imaproshaman, and C4cTuS like this
thread: The Site
United Statesenbee4 years ago

I'm also having this issue; it is only showing people that were live a couple days ago.

United Statesenbee4 years ago

Currently the game is in a constantly changing state, but I am not sure why it was moved to Misc. That would be a question for sdf.

United Statesenbee5 years ago

The last time someone did a 3-4 player run of either category was almost a year ago so I don't think there's much of a necessity for separating it and adding additional categories.

thread: Brink
United Statesenbee6 years ago

More than one player including yourself

thread: Brink
United Statesenbee6 years ago

Sounds good. We'll do that.

Akarion likes this
thread: Brink
United Statesenbee6 years ago

Rebinding keybinds one-to-one and changing FOV, as long as they don't change general gameplay, should be fine.

United Statesenbee6 years ago

If something is done prior to a run that influences it, either a timer should be going or it should be a different category. My opinion would be that it isn't significant enough to make another category and seems like a glitch that will likely be patched, so I would just make a note of it in the rules and not allow it.

Just my opinion, personally.

thread: SUPERHOT
United Statesenbee6 years ago

I'm pretty sure runs can't be sorted by kill count on And sorting by time for surviving as long as possible would just lead to people standing completely still and honestly be very boring. This was discussed earlier among the moderators and we decided not to add it.

United Statesenbee6 years ago

I'll let one of the mods know, no worries!

United Statesenbee6 years ago

There's lots of ways to avoid luck with cash and fruit, mostly involving sleeping for extra time. Especially when initially learning the run, the time lost is less valuable than the experience of doing the run. You can certainly do a run attempting to get to the Glass Desert as quick as possible if you'd like, regardless of if there's a category for it on the leaderboards, and I would love to see what you come up with in terms of the route! This would still require luck for cash and fruit however from the way I see it, but maybe you could put together a more consistent route doing that.

It took me around a week of putting an hour or two towards learning the run and practicing the route for me to be comfortable with Any% and understand why we do each of the things we do. If you have any questions, or are getting frustrated by the luck elements, feel free to hop into the Discord server and we'll do our best to help you out :)

thread: Speedrunning
United Statesenbee6 years ago

I mean, Mountain is bad for the fact that it might be impossible to find a reasonable category to speedrun of it.

TicTacBean likes this
thread: Talk
United Statesenbee6 years ago

My computer is garbo so I guess any runs I've done should be perfect for you.

United Statesenbee6 years ago

Not recently

aggeL likes this
United Statesenbee6 years ago

Yes, and if you use the autosplitter through Livesplit it will actually delete your gallery each time you reset (if you choose the proper setting). But you only have to do that with All Pups.

grvoda likes this
United Statesenbee6 years ago

I believe people were finding issues with the load remover though I'm not aware if it's fully working how it should yet or not. Certainly would not be against the switch, and would suggest runners to submit with both load and loadless times.

grvoda likes this
United Statesenbee6 years ago

You can set what console you play on when you submit the run. So you can just see which other runners also do console and compare your time to theirs. Think the board already has a million subcategories so should be fine with how it currently is, though I understand your frustration.

grvoda and Superjodokus1 like this
United Statesenbee6 years ago

Swing climbing counts as extended climbing. Any method where you grab and regrab to gain height up a wall counts as such.

grvoda and Tenna like this
About enbee
don't check here much, message me outside of the site or request mod if im the only mod for a game.
8 years ago
18 days ago
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Last run 6 years ago
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger
Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger
Last run 8 years ago
Mail Mole
Mail Mole
Last run 3 years ago
Last run 3 years ago
Human Fall Flat
Human Fall Flat
Last run 7 years ago
Last run 4 years ago
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Last run 7 years ago
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Mail Mole
Mail Mole
Last action 1 year ago
Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger
Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger
Last action 1 month ago
Pet the Pup at the Party
Pet the Pup at the Party
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Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
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This Is the Police
This Is the Police
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SUPERHOT Category Extensions
SUPERHOT Category Extensions
Last action 3 years ago