United StatesZamiel7 years ago

You're right. I'm not sure what the official ruling on this should be. Ultimately, I don't care all that much either way, as it seems unlikely that this record will ever be broken, as people don't exactly run this category (or game) anymore. =p

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

Without getting overly verbose, the run that I submitted was a funny "loophole" that is predicated on the following two conventions:

  1. Timing starts at the first frame of movement.
  2. You are allowed to save and quit and resume your run at any point.

I spoke with Hyphenated about this and we decided that it would be better to change the first rule, as it closest aligns with the spirit of the category. (See the other new thread in this forum.) The top runs for each category will likely have to be retimed and may have to add a second, I'm not sure.

Furthermore, he's said that he doesn't have a problem with the resetting strategy that I used, since it occurs before the actual run (and the timer) starts.

I'm going to mess around with 1 char WR attempts in the future. I actually got a run going today but I got a really long womb XL. =(

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

Hey guys, as you can already tell by now, I decided to do a 1 character run for fun that would push the boundaries of the category! Obviously I wasn't sure if it is going to be accepted or not, and if it doesn't, that's completely fine. There's no reason to get real emotional or heated though. ;) I'll probably write more later to address some of the points made in this thread, as obviously I am a racer first and foremost but this category really intrigues me and I might want to try it again in the future!

[quote=Pibonacci]We all know this is technically correct[/quote]

technically correct, the best kind of correct =p

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

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United StatesZamiel7 years ago

Also note that the place that you have to put the save folder depends on whether SteamCloud is set to 0 or 1 in your options.ini file. It has to be set to 1 (the default) for the listed instructions to work.

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

config.ini is authorized/recommended by the developers of the game:

Think of it as in-game graphics options that they were too lazy to make an in-game menu option for.

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

Vote tally:

Should the Broken Remote be removed? 19 for, 0 against Verdict: Remove

Should Cursed Eye be removed? 7 for, 12 against Verdict: Keep

Should Telepills be removed? 6 for, 9 against Verdict: Keep

Should the shop pool be modified to make it better? Verdict: Done in a separate mod. (The checkbox will be a part of Instant Start Mod and it will be called "Seeded+")

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

This thread applies to people who play the Instant Start / Jud6s seeded racing mod ruleset, either on or in tournaments. To the best of my knowledge, the list of people that meet the above criteria are, in alphabetical order:

  1. _910dan
  2. antizoubilamaka
  3. Augo_
  4. bmz_loop
  5. CrafterLynx
  6. Dea1h
  7. DKlaww
  8. ceehe
  9. Cyber_1
  10. giraffefizzoid
  11. HauntedQuest
  12. ItsScion
  13. Krakenos
  14. magicdiner_
  15. OhMyGoth
  16. ou_j
  17. Rydyell
  18. SlashSP
  19. tanook_leduc
  20. thalen22
  21. thisguyisbarry
  22. Warshoty
  23. Zamiel

Dea1h (and others) have recently proposed changes to the seeded ruleset. However, feedback is required to ensure that any changes are made with the consensus of the Isaac community.

If you are on the above list, please post your feedback! (see below)

If you are not on the above list and you actually race the seeded ruleset, my bad for missing you! Please let me know and post below with your feedback.

If you are not in the above list and you don't actually race the seeded ruleset, please don't bother posting in this thread, as the aim is to ONLY get feedback from people who actually race.

If you don't have strong opinions and don't want to type up a lengthy response, that's completely fine. However, at the very least please answer the following questions with a "yes", "no", or "I don't care".

For the seeded Jud6s ruleset:

  1. Should the Broken Remote be removed? Pro: Teleports are unseeded, so it can be potentially unfair. Con: It makes the game less "vanilla".

  2. Should Cursed Eye be removed? Pro: Teleports are unseeded, so it can be potentially unfair. Con: It makes the game less "vanilla".

  3. Should Telepills be removed? Pro: Teleports are unseeded, so it can be potentially unfair. Con: It makes the game less "vanilla".

  4. Should the shop pool be modified to make it better? Pro: Currently, the "correct" strategy is, for the most part, to ignore money and ignore shops. This is a little boring - if the shop pool was changed to be overall better, then money collection and shops would once again be important like they were in the days of Rebirth (and Wrath of the Lamb). Con: It makes the game significantly less "vanilla" and may be potentially confusing to new seeded racers. Pro: Most of us have been playing the seeded ruleset for a long time (6+ months). So, it might be fun to "spice" things up a bit before Afterbirth+, especially if it will make the ruleset more fun and play better.

  5. Assuming you are for modifying the shop pool, what do you think is the best way to go about it?

  • One way is to just remove all of the bad items, which makes the probability of getting a good shop item such as There's Options much better.
  • Another way is to add some good core items from other pools, such as +1 damage and so forth.
  • Yet another way is to add some good utility items from other pools, such as various forms of flight.

That's it. Thanks and looking forward from hearing from you guys.

About Zamiel
8 years ago
26 days ago
Games run
Last run 3 years ago
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley
Last run 4 years ago
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Last run 4 years ago
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
Games moderated
Last action 5 years ago