BelgiumXouma5 months ago

I retimed it because you start the timer a bit too soon and end it a bit too late, sorry for the wait btw

BelgiumXouma9 months ago

I slightly changed the time to match it with the last input

BelgiumXouma1 year ago

Sorry for the delay here as well. Btw I changed your time a bit because you're supposed to start your timer when the "Begin Game" button is pressed (which you didn't as well on the pirate run but the category rules out there made it a bit confusing so it's understandable) and it ends when the last input occurs not when you have the proof of victory.

BelgiumXouma1 year ago

Sorry for the delay

BelgiumXouma2 years ago

I retimed it just a little so that the timer ends when the last input occurs as it is asked in the rules and that was a little before 8:17:07

partoftheworlD likes this
BelgiumXouma2 years ago

I have trusted the time you have given because I'm not sure neither, but if you make another run, maybe it would be better to not stop the timer by yourself so we can pause on YouTube at the right time.

BelgiumXouma2 years ago

The background noises 💀

IDKWhatImDoing likes this
BelgiumXouma2 years ago
This comment was deleted
thread: Kingdom Rush
BelgiumXouma3 years ago

Uh, I just came back here by curiosity. Why are every speedruns deleted except the Avatarinator's one ? I'm not on the discord anymore so I don't know if another rule has been added or something like that.

BelgiumXouma3 years ago

Well, I'm not sure about it. I've just look at the discord, I'm sorry I didn't see you already talk about it and I feel like Acrumus is kinda right when he says it looks like ancient%. If your goal is to make a category where the speedruns would go up to the 500 turns, maybe we have to do a category that would only allow you to do a score victory with Game Speed on standard and the Limit Turns by game speed. Eitherway I feel like it's kinda useless because other victories can still be achieved way before you reach the 500th turns no ? (even with the ruleset you're talking about) Maybe we can add a different category for each victory to differenciate the basic game with Gathering Storm like it has been done for the science victory if that's what you want.

Concerning the idea to compete by minimum turns the speedrun takes, I know that there used to be different measures for the speedruns on Hitman 2 and Crusader Kings II but apparently it has been removed. I think this is a good idea and you should talk about it with other mods because I don't think I'm allowed to add it and/or I don't even know how to do it.

Donald33 and limabean06 like this
BelgiumXouma3 years ago

The goal of a speedrun is mainly simply to be able to know the minimum time it takes to finish a game. It is absolutely not necessary that the game seems normal, moreover it's rarely the case in speedrun.

BelgiumXouma4 years ago

You can ask to add the game if you already do a speedrun on it.

ep3o likes this
BelgiumXouma4 years ago

I'd like to run this game but you don't say exactly when to start livesplit and when to stop it.

BelgiumXouma4 years ago

Shouldn't you add categories for scenarios ? I'm not sure that I'll try to run it but on civilization V there are already categories for that and I thought it would be better to put it if someone wants to make one run on it.

Donald33, HurKh41 and 3 others like this
About Xouma
5 years ago
3 months ago
Games run
Kingdom Rush
Kingdom Rush
Last run 4 years ago
Hitman GO: Definitive Edition
Hitman GO: Definitive Edition
Last run 4 years ago
Kingdom Rush: Frontiers
Kingdom Rush: Frontiers
Last run 5 years ago
Civilization VI
Civilization VI
Last run 5 years ago
Hitman 2
Hitman 2
Last run 5 years ago
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II
Last run 4 years ago
Meteor 60 Seconds!!
Meteor 60 Seconds!!
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Civilization VI
Civilization VI
Last visit 3 months ago
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II
Last visit 1 year ago
Kingdom Rush: Frontiers
Kingdom Rush: Frontiers
Last visit 2 years ago