Alagoas, BrazilVitorWanderley3 months ago

Yes, I know, but I'm not very good, I still need to train more, my PB is 17 minutes and 46 seconds, it's well above average, but for my level I think it's a good time, in the future I'll train to achieve it without this technique.

Thanks for enlightening me.

archycoffee likes this
Alagoas, BrazilVitorWanderley3 months ago

This technique consists of constantly pausing the game, simulating slow motion, I use this on the Brain boss, as it helps to hit the sphere I want, I read the rules and didn't see anything about it, but I want to make sure if I can use it in a official run.

I'm new to the subject and I don't know English, I used the translator, if there is any error I apologize.

archycoffee likes this
About VitorWanderley
3 months ago
22 days ago
Games run
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Last run 2 months ago
Games followed
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Last visit 26 days ago