thread: The Site
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

I agree 100% Andypanther. If a MML member doesn't join here because they have their own board that 1 less user here. Then if I go from SRC to PBtracker so I'll have one spot to put ALL of my personal bests that's another user lost. From a business perspective your'e gaining users by allowing us to post our PB's here, and losing none since the MML members aren't going to benefit SRC either way.

thread: The Site
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

What I would do is ask the same question multiple times across multiple boards -_-

thread: The Site
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

@kirkq First off, thank you for responding and giving input to this discussion! I know admin work is tiring and time consuming. I completely understand what you mean, and agree to an extent about copying existing runs from other boards to fill a (from here on referred to as SRC) leaderboard is pretty lame.

However, (to piggyback a little off what I think Cyberdemon was alluding to) I think it's pretty safe to assume that almost (if not every) person who has responded in this thread is a "member" of the Mega Man community, or at least has some level of interest in running the games. With that said, it's hard to suggest that the MM leaderboards represent the community as a whole, and not just a section of the community that chooses on their own accord to not participate here. To me, it seems in poor taste to punish willing individuals here because of what a separate entity (MML) wants to do. I'm curious to know, as I can only speak for myself, but the biggest qualm I have going on here, is I just want a 1 stop shop to post all of my runs in one place. I have a feeling that a lot of the other concerned parties here are after the same thing.

While I would love for everyone to get along here and be a happy family with a 100% up to date accurate SRC board, my greater concern is just simply having a single link to direct my viewers to to see my PB's vs. "well for all of the games I run click ¤here¤. . . . . except for my MM2 and MMX time, for those click ¤here¤. . . . . oh and my DKC run ¤here¤." I would much rather give 100% of my business to one place for convenience over 100% accuracy. The people of MML don't have to like, or accept our board, and that's perfectly ok because we will have our own community to moderate here.

As a member with runs submitted at MML, I can understand their logic of wanting the BEST leaderboards for Mega Man out there, but IMO it's foolish and greedy to expect it to be the ONLY leaderboard out there. However the world doesn't revolve around me, so I would like to know what the rest of SRC community thinks regarding this. How do you all feel about this?

(to reiterate, I'm 100% willing to moderate an SRC Mega Man 2 board if needed)

NOTE: "A couple of these cases have goes something like this: user who runs the game wants a board and requests it. Community complains that guy outside of community is moderating the board. Community offers to moderate board; community is given moderation of board. Months pass, community decides they don't want the board. Community deletes all the existing runs and links to their board. We could just delete the games instead of leaving the shell board, but that puts us again back at square one. "

Maybe it's in poor taste, but in that circumstance in the future, I would just say "no, sorry, we are content with the way the SRC board is currently operating." Unless our mods are truly not up to par.

thread: The Site
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

While I do agree that we should have the WR documented, the point of this community (I think) is to accurately keep track of the times recorded by the community.

Notice in each leaderboard the top spot doesn't say "world record!" (forgive me if I'm mistaken) it says "1st" which accurately portrays that this is the 1st place time submitted and approved by our community. In any case, since the admins aren't contacting us here giving their 2 cents, do you all think it would be a good idea to submit a formal request for Mega Man 2 to be added as a board if I'm willing to moderate? Or should we get a little more organized and ask as a group? Or I guess what is the end goal of this discussion other than reiterating the same points ad nauseum?

thread: Talk
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Gamecube compatibility through virtual console would be fantastic. Online matchmaking would make it even better. I can just smell the Smash Melee tourneys from here.

thread: The Site
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

@Kobe good call, 2,4 and 5 are missing from the classic series.

@i_o_l I agree with you on the just wanting a place to put all of my PB's for consistency sake.

thread: The Site
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Well, just for organizations sake, we should try to get a list together of who would be willing to moderate said boards. The more organized we are, the less work admins have to do, and the less reasons they would have to deny the boards.

I'd be willing to help out with Mega Man 1-2 and potentially 3-6 if needed.

thread: The Site
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Has any Admin said anything about this recently? lol I feel like this is the most active thread on the entire forum, and the people that can actually take action are keeping distance while we make the same points circularly.

HowDenKing and kobepilgrim like this
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Welcome to the community @quacker663! Good luck on your runs

thread: Talk
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

I second the Mega Man recommendation, can be glitch heavy as you want and they can be around 30 mins for a full run.

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Mine must be pretty bad Kappa

thread: Talk
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

I remember that show! I loved the little innuendos that they slid in throughout.

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Konasumi's is OP for it's simplicity and effectivness.

Do mine, do mine Kappa!!! EDIT: wow it looses a lot of clarity since it's shrunken down! I'll try to get a better picture. EDIT 2: much better, the stress post PB'ing is real.

thread: Speedrunning
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

I'm with Kobe, I enjoy seeing others PB because I never feel accomplished about mine. I remember Carnage64 PB'ing Final Fantasy 7 after sticking around for the entire 7-hour plus run, that was a good time.

thread: The Site
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

(forgive me if this already happened, because I didn't read back through everything) How do we go about reaching a next "step"? Can we just set up boards here? Is there an admin. to contact to start setting them up? Do we have people here willing to moderate? To be direct, nothing is stopping us from creating a board and submitting our times here other than the lack of the board existing and people willing to moderate them. If the "outside community board" dislikes it, they don't have to participate.

coolestto and kobepilgrim like this
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

It's a fun game, but underplayed.

kobepilgrim likes this
thread: Speedrunning
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Wow, y'all are crazy, longest run I've done is Mega Man 2 at about 40 minutes Kappa. I'm learning Mystic Quest which will be a couple hours per run.

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

And welcome to the community!

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

With the laptop you could always use an emulator, most have built in recording options.

About TheGreatToddman
8 years ago
28 days ago
Games run
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
Last run 2 years ago
Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby's Dream Land
Last run 5 years ago
Street Fighter II (GB)
Street Fighter II (GB)
Last run 5 years ago
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Last run 5 years ago
Pokémon Red/Blue
Pokémon Red/Blue
Last run 5 years ago
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Street Fighter II (GB)
Street Fighter II (GB)
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Street Fighter II (GB)
Street Fighter II (GB)
Last action 1 year ago