NepalSyberSpNew2 years ago

@TheUnknownMinecraft bruh i will forget about the run the in 3 months

Gaming_64 likes this
NepalSyberSpNew2 years ago

@alexis i submitted the run like exactly a month ago and its still not verified...

Gaming_64 likes this
NepalSyberSpNew2 years ago

Its been one entire month and my run still hasn't been verified

Gaming_64 likes this
NepalSyberSpNew3 years ago

Hello Mods, Can you guys add Mobile Console and PC for all the Categories like in the mcbe and mcbece. I would greatly appreciate it if u do so.

NepalSyberSpNew3 years ago

In the past days, my runs would have gotten verified within 2 or 3 days but now it takes very takes very long time. I got a new PB while my current run isn't even verified!

NepalSyberSpNew3 years ago

Ok, I checked the seed and the stronghold was very very far away from spawn and when I went to the nether there was a bastion nearby but no fortress nearby.

EmiCh321 likes this
thread: Speedrunning
NepalSyberSpNew3 years ago

If I die in a Minecraft Speedrun, Does that mean I have to reset?

NepalSyberSpNew3 years ago

If u go 7-8 blocks away from the bedrock and tower up 11 blocks then place lava, it can slow down the dragon.

thread: Speedrunning
NepalSyberSpNew3 years ago

Hello I have one which is "Can I do speedruns if I am 11"?

About SyberSpNew
4 years ago
8 months ago
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