Requires all packages from Evidence Dash. Toss up whether this would save any time because of the randomness of Evidence Dash.
cipriani's chaffeur->i scream you scream, activate the mission making sure that you're not in the marker afterwards or else you will crash and start/stop taxi side-mission so you can take missions without crashing
exit, hold shift, hold down, jumpx2. no need for any mouse movements as long as the front-end of the boat is facing the pier
Doing a quick google search, BAS-BAS23 had already found this, but it's a different method as far as I can tell.
This is an obvious route, but I haven't seen anyone use this, so I figured I'd post it. Saves about 15s.
One thing to mention about the video is that you cannot pick up the replay on foot. My original line of thinking was doing it on foot while doing Trial By Fire, but I only tested being on foot AFTER uploading the video (I know, I'm an idiot), so I reckon that getting a replay isn't worth it. Nonetheless, you can still make it if you don't hit into anything. I guess this could be a route that you use if you hate your run and want to go yolo TriHard
If these strats have already been found then I apologize for wasting your time.
Alternative Fire-Crab strat in 'Secrets'
From what I timed, this was just as fast as the other method. As for the strategy, don't go past the grate; start moving slightly before the fire-crab turns around (using the left one as reference). If done properly you should only need 2 flipendos for each crab. The obvious benefits here are that you're not exposed to the fire-crabs as long and it's simpler in terms of not having to flipendo them around the corner... not that it is difficult or anything, but sometimes they can get stuck and require more than 3 flipendo's, from my experience.
"Guillotine" strat in 'Corridor'
Not much to say here... Cast Skurge once you're ontop of the ledge and don't turn around... As long as your movement is good and don't cast Skurge early you should always make the cycle.
Wonder why this was never tested. ¤shrugs¤... Anyway, the hitbox is in the bottom left corner of the boat. Just as easy as the 2nd pier strat and roughly 3-4 seconds faster... Don't stand too near of the pole or you won't be able to shoot.
Influenced by mamamia's mall shootout strategy. It's easy to under/overshoot the positioning of the pcj in relation to the marker. As long as you're grinding against a wall, your pcj will stop immediately once you've bailed from it, despite how fast you're going.