GreeceParasxos1 year ago

i should have done this long ago, but here is everything i know for Crash Nitro Kart Gba:

TNT Crate - A Unique Power-up, Yes go ahead and laugh but it can do way more than you expect! This is only power-up that can steal power-ups from other Cpu if picked up and driven intro the ? boxes. Also if you pick-up one of these is impossible to leave a TNT or NITRO crate with ANY character you choose EXCEPT for Spyro! Yes you hear right Spyro is the ONLY one character that can pick-up TNT and if you Jump You can leave a TNT or NITRO but is a little precise. TNT crates can BLOCK the power-up boxes (?). Lastly you can knock a TNT crate by jumping 5 times (Jumps over a big gap also count). Driving into a TNT or NITRO crate while you have a TNT it will result a Bassy explosion.You CANNOT place a TNT or NITRO right next to another TNT crate they will explode. But placing a NITRO right next to another NITRO crate.... Nothing happens they will stay this is Strange but is true.

Nitro Crate - This one is Super useful on Bosses (Krunk,Nash,Geary,Norm & Big norm,Velo) on Norn & big norm you should be careful DO NOT HIT THE NORM! ONLY THE BIG NORM BECAUSE HITTING NORM IT WILL MAKE BIG NORM CATCHING UP TO YOU AND DESTROY YOUR RUN, Seriously you should be Very careful on this specific boss. On other bosses Just leave this Before a jump and on Center this is important because it has a very high chance to work if you leave it left or right.... then you fail this trap. This power-up Requires 10 wumpa fruit to obtain otherwise it will stay as TNT.

Ice mine - This one is can be destroyed easily by shooting it with a bomb or a missile but also you can jump over it, Jumping over may not work at all times but you can try in a tough time. (Side note: don't put a TNT on top or half-inside the ice mine it will explode)

Power Shield (Green & Blue) - As the name suggests this one can protect you From any weapon (Except The Tornado only in 1st position it can not hit you, otherwise it will go through), You can drive through a TNT,NITRO, ice mine without any problem! But it will not protect you from explosions.... This means if the Cpu or player in front of you destroys a TNT or Nitro crate you get hit by the explosion, the same can apply when a bomb hit the front player or cpu. Colour Differences: A green shield lasts a few seconds a Blue Shield has no time it will stay until you get hit or if you choose to throw it. The Blue shield Requires 10 wumpa.

Fastest speed possible that you can have. This is the speed of jumpings pads they are faster than boosts pads you can take advantage by hopping using the R button. After a jump don't land into a boostpad because it will slow you down.

Hitboxes: This may be useful to know.

To understand this i strongly suggest you to try it yourself!

Play as crash or polar then go behind of Tiny, N.Tropy or Neo Cortex when they have A TNT on their head you will see When the TNT explodes it will NOT hit you! if you play as coco or N.trance...well you get hit.

Cheats, Now what i can say for this? Using in-game cheats is a no go for speedrun🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can hardly write this without laughing you will get caught instantly.

Easy Detection: (When is active)

Turbo Cheat: This Gives you Boostpad speed it will never slow down as long you holding A button. To Detect this Just look The "Zooming" when you touch a boostpad. Normally when you touch a boostpad a little Zoom happens because of the Speed gain so if you have already a boostpad speed the zoom is not happening. (if you Drift boost before a boostpad the zoom will not happen you can notice it on level and full runs)

Artillery Cheat: This gives Bombs and missiles by hitting a ? Box or pressing L button before hitting a box, then you got Repeatedly Bombs and missiles. Very easy to detect, if you got 1 bomb or 3 using all 1 or 3 it will cause the power-up shuffle to appear on screen without a ? box. A second method is the power-ups themselves! I mean is not possible to have missiles and bombs on full game right?

R/C kart Cheat: LOL don't even try to use this on speedruns it's way too obvious to not notice 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, This cheat Shrinks all carts into toy-like version also the sound is awful.

Lunar Cheat: You won't notice right away but when you see the CPU jumping know something fishy is happening, This cheat gives you a high jump when you hop and a moonjump when you hit a jumping pad you stay in air for long time plus keeping the speed. This one is obvious.

Power-up Timer: Sounds crazy? well let me tell you that a TNT,NITRO CRATE and ICE MINE have a timer of 2 minutes, when this expires the TNT and NITRO crate will explode and ICE mine will despawn so don't get very close to TNT when you see one. On Bosses this timer seems not to applied but i might be wrong anyways Any items dropped by a boss stays in area for about 6 to 9 seconds. Still this might not true maybe the developers limit the stuff of bosses, so when a boss drops something the item that stayed the longest in the area is destroyed.

Hardlocks: If you play a lot CNK GBA i'm sure you got Hardlocked in Tiny's Temple right before the first ? boxes. i believe you can hardlock on Deep Sea Driving as well but i'm not quite sure yet (And yes if are curious i did get hardlocked there)

I copied this from a thread i created also most typos are fixed.

Edit: Added info that i forgot.

Qwertyctrx likes this
GreeceParasxos1 year ago

Um technically we can..... Sorry i need a better approach for this Crazy Measure.

Well my Theory is simple we CAN use cheat engine as Monitor but in order to do so you MUST have the Window active at all time if the value inside this window is frozen or jumps abnormally then you run is rejected also Hot-keys or script shanenigans will not work because of the weird jumping mechanism.

Purpose: This will help on racing communitys to "see" on where the can improve the speed and STOP splices and cuts.

You may attack me for this and propably call me stupid and bunch other names but this may turn a good idea after all.

i truly apologize if this idea is super stupid. Well i'm risking to be totally annihilated from this but is worth.

gnrts likes this
GreeceParasxos1 year ago

Well there is plenty of examples of Cops in Gta sa without any logic let's be fair, this makes the game even more better!!! i love it. Anyway i'm gonna share a little info you may not know.

  1. This cop CANNOT arrest you: Yes you heard right! if you have 1-star wanted level and exit a building you will see an cop without it's nightstick this cop CANNOT arrest you.

  2. Gun at Face (No Wanted level): We all know pointing a gun (Such as pistol, SMG, etc.) Towards a cop triggers Wanted level and the officer shoots you with his pistol but pointing a MINIGUN towards an officer......well Nothing happens the officer just don't react at all. (Same as Sniper NO REACTION OR WANTED LEVEL)

Conclusion police in gta sa has pretty interesting logic do they?

What's your opinion in this?

Edit: Typos

fonfon, L0UIE, and Riekelt like this
GreeceParasxos1 year ago

Well better late than ever!

Hello my name is Parasxos and i wasn't ready to speedrun or so i thought , as it turns out i had the skill but i didn't knew it. Anyway i started to speedrun because i wanted a challenge! You may think that i want to have the World Record but no i didn't think that at all, in fact i didn't knew that i would be good enough to be on top 5, Regardless i'm 3rd place and Very Happy about it.

Lastly i want to thank once more the moderators for giving me the opportunity to be one of the "Best Players in World" it truly honors me.

Thank You @PeteThePlayer, @Spikestuff and @Rabini

GreeceParasxos1 year ago

Well i really like the mug and the sweaters in the shop but is it possible to customize them a little?

For example: For the Mug: Instead of white color can we can have blue color and also a CNK Sticker ( The Sticker Applies to what game the runner actually speedruns) The Speedrun Cup sticker will stay on opposite site.

Well how it this sounds?

GreeceParasxos2 years ago

I don't know if i'm first to found this but i gonna share it anyway.

On the Mission: "Nine and AKs" you can skip smoke bottle shooting! Just throw a well timed grenade if you done this correctly you will see the bottle are destroyed from the blast.

My case for this: i was in the final shooting right before i finished shooting the 3 bottles my hand slipped and i threw a grenade before it showed the 5 bottles that smoke shooting. The bottles were destroyed from the blast and it skipped completely that part and it tell me to shoot the CAR INSTEAD!!

(If this is already found please tell me, i already checked for this glitch but i was not able to find any clue, This post is also on speedruning forum for anyone to see i just copy paste it)

Booskop likes this
GreeceParasxos2 years ago

I don't know if i'm first to found this but i gonna share it anyway.

On the Mission: "Nine and AKs" you can skip smoke bottle shooting! Just throw a well timed grenade if you done this correctly you will see the bottle are destroyed from the blast.

My case for this: i was in the final shooting right before i finished shooting the 3 bottles my hand slipped and i threw a grenade before it showed the 5 bottles that smoke shooting. The bottles were destroyed from the blast and it skipped completely that part and it tell me to shoot the CAR INSTEAD!!

(If this is already please tell me, i already checked for this glitch but i was not able to find any clue)

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
GreeceParasxos2 years ago

Well This may be pointless However i seen lot of people asking for help on some games. All games have ther forum and can ask there for any info they are looking for!

But Here's a catch! We can make this thread a quick shortcut by sharing some information about the game we are running and know pretty much anything (Well most of it).

i really hope this will help.

GreeceParasxos2 years ago

i don't know how to describe this idea easily but is worth a try.

Basically i'm about to make a thread on introductions forum with a name of all different stuff that a Bot advertises. a name like this:

Casino,Slots,Poker,Betting,Divorce, Need Help?, Jewellery.

The whole reason i'm doing this is just because the Bots may pick up my thread (Due to keywords) and stoping them from making new threads, is annoying.

Do you believe this can work? is just an idea (Very Stupid or Genius you decide)

M_CBL_, Ivory, and jackzfiml like this
GreeceParasxos2 years ago

The title says it all, i'm making this thread because this is not actually a problem with pc users (Correct me if i'm wrong here) but android users with phones and tablets may have issues. Personally i have this issue and i can't find a proper solution for my tablet so i put it in Freezer for 30 seconds to cool it off.

I'm sure that putting a tablet in freezer is laughable idea but it worked for me of course a put the case under it so the tablet won't touch the ice.

M_CBL_ likes this
GreeceParasxos2 years ago

How you react if you Falsely accused of cheating?

I will say: Clear sky lightning is not afraid! (Please ask if you don't get it)

Edit: Forgot my reaction L🤣L!!

Dynajay likes this
About Parasxos
2 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Crash Nitro Kart (Handheld)
Crash Nitro Kart (Handheld)
Last run 1 year ago
Games followed
Crash Nitro Kart (Handheld)
Crash Nitro Kart (Handheld)
Last visit 1 year ago