Hesse, GermanyNimputs6 years ago

Another ~2 weeks left for submissions!

Hesse, GermanyNimputs6 years ago

sounds like you can submit them for the NG+ category then? Assuming the issue is that you did the run on an already existing profile

Hesse, GermanyNimputs6 years ago

Ingame time only is being used for runs sub 50 minutes RTA, and we actually will remove the IGT from any submission that dont meet that threshold. We don't want to require ingame time and video proof for every submitted run cause that might turn off new runners and would also mean a whole lot more work for the mods. So we only have ingame time and required video proof for runs that are more competitive. The reason we have to remove ingame time for runs over the 50 minute mark is because otherwise it will mess up the rankings. The leaderboards are set to IGT, and as result of that, any run, no matter how slow it is, would be ranked higher than a run of, let's say, 51 minute RTA that does not have IGT submitted. To prevent that, the best possible way is to just have +50 minute runs be strictly timed by real time

Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

I'm making this post preventively because I'm sure these questions will come up at some point (and have in the past when these categories have been discussed in the community Discord):

"There are Knuckles and Rouge Centurion. What about the other characters?" Knuckles Centurions have first been done as practise, to learn all the emerald hints. The structured repitition of the levels made this category ideal to practise these, and the randomness involved in the levels made it interesting to play, despite having to beat the same level over and over. Because of this, over time, Knuckles Centurions have become a very popular category with lots of entries on the leaderboards. However, while it certainly is possible to do centurions for other characters and a handful of people have done it, the main reasons why Centurions for Knuckles and Rouge have gained such a large popularity are not existent for Centurions of other characters.

"Can you add other Centurions anyways?" No.

"There is Hero story low%. Why not Dark story or All stories low%?" The reason is simple: The fastest way to beat Dark story already collects the least upgrades possible, therefore in practise there would be no difference between the two categories. Only in Hero story you collect skippable upgrades that actually help you in the run, making low% slower and more difficult.

"Why are the Knuckles stages x20 and the Rouge stages x25?" Because these categories can be seen as segments for a full centurion. Knuckles has 5 stages in a centurion, therefore each one has to be played 20 times to make 100 stages. Rouge has 4 stages in a centurion, therefore each has to be played 25 times to make 100 stages. This system has been carried over to these sub-categories.

"Why are the Knuckles stage x20s and Rouge stage x25s but not for stages of other characters?" The same reason why there are no Centurions for other characters.

If there are any more questions, feel free to ask them, either in this thread or make a new thread. If I find them to be relevant, I'll add them to this post.

Tethys, Drakodan, and TommyeAsY like this
thread: Sonic Mania
Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

Argick has been doing All Emerald runs, which for the time being have been put on the regular leaderboard. iirc the reason it hasnt been added yet was cause there was not enough interest in it, but if more start running it thatd be a good basis for that to be changed

Argick likes this
Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

Chao key glitch is not possible in the way it is done in any% since it requires 16:9 resolution and the GCN does't have that.

and the only requirement for NG+ is that you've already completed the part of the game that you do in the speedrun on that savefile. If you wanna do Hero story NG+, you have to use a savefile that already has Hero story completed

Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

the page just got approved while I was asleep, give me a moment and I'll set it up

thread: Sonic Mania
Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

afaik it's not yet settled how the categories are going to be set up as well

Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

yeah, that's roughly it. Chao key glitch happens when you play the game on 16:9 resolutions (that is required for it to work) and collect the chao key while it is very far away from the camera or the camera is heavily obstructed or something. I don't know the exact specifics about what makes it work. You can look it up on YouTube, there are several videos about it.

NewGame+ means you speedrun the game on a savefile that already has beaten the game, which means you have all the upgrades from the start if the run and also dont have any emblem cutscenes.

Rhodechill and Menstilo like this
Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

regarding your question about the spring in Talon's 180 emblem run, he uses an upgrade Rouge can use called the Treasure Scope, if you activate it, it reveals hidden objects, and on that spot is a hidden spring.

About the ring sound, this is just something that happens. When you collect a lot of rings at once the game tries to play the ring collecting sound several times at once and it gets really loud (thats probably what happens, I never thought much about it)

Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

Quick explanation on the any% route:

The game has an internal warp variable, that determines where the game warps you next to after completing a level. Usually the warp variable gets cleared after use, but there are exceptions. For example, if you play a 2-player best-of-3 match, the level you get warped to after completing the first level stays in that warp variable. In combination with the chao key glitch (you can look that up on youtube if you want more details), you access this internal variable. Usually the chao key is supposed to warp you to the chao garden, but if you do the chao key glitch, the game accesses this warp variable.

So what you do in any% is that first you go into 2-player-mode and do a best-of-3 match, which should end with Security Hall, so that Security Hall is saved in that warp variable. Then you start Dark story, and play up until Radical Highway, which is a level in which you can perform the chao key glitch. You do the glitch and complete the level, and instead of getting warped to the next level or the chao garden, the game warps you to the level that is saved in the variable, that is Security Hall. If you repeat the chao key glitch in Security Hall, the game keeps warping you into Security Hall. Since you're in story mode however, the game thinks that after every completion of Security Hall, you progress the story. Which means, everytime you do Security Hall, you skip one level, boss or cutscene. You repeat this glitch until the game warps you to the final cutscene.

This is the fastest known route to beat the game, which is why it's called any%, and very little people do it, since it is a very tedious run, because you have to do the chao key glitch in Security Hall 40 times.

Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

A Race Against Time is back!

Do you enjoy speedrunning driving and racing games, and want to show the world what your speedrun has to offer? We could be the marathon for you! A Race Against Time is a marathon dedicated to showcasing the best (and funniest) racing / driving speedruns that the community has to offer. ARAT was founded after we realised that driving games weren't commonly showcased in speedrunning marathons, and we feel that they should receive more recognition.

The second installment of this marathon will take place from November 25 - 26. Submissions are now open, and will be running until November 4th. For updates and questions, join our Discord server and follow our Twitter.

Twitter: Discord server:

ViperUK and Maiguels like this
Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

personally I think you might be better off removing the mods before doing runs. Even if the mods don't primarily affect the gameplay that is relevant in the run, it can happen that mods have unintended side effects that do have an effect on the rest of the game, even if just minor. And in that case, if something does happen, it is hard to track what happened and what's the cause of it

Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

how different is the Android version? Cause I have a feeling that this might be better if it was added as a seperate game instead of putting it on these boards

Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

The schedule is out, and can he viewed here:

NShatrau likes this
Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago


Do you enjoy speedrunning driving games, and want to show the world what your speedrun has to offer? We could be the marathon for you! Organised by RealmCopier and Konasumi, A Race Against Time is a marathon dedicated to showcasing the best (and funniest) racing / driving speedruns that the community has to offer. A Race Against Time was founded after we realised that driving games weren't commonly showcased in speedrunning marathons, and we feel that they should receive more recognition. This marathon will take place on April 14th, 2017. However, if many submissions are received, we may extend the length of the marathon to the 15th. Submissions are now open, and will close on March 15th. If you have any questions make sure to join our Discord server!

Submissions can be made here:

Join our Discord here:

LylatR likes this
Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

watching many different people play is very helpful, especially people of different skill levels, because you may come across many different strats for just one spot, all that you can try out yourself. Also watching people will help you learn Knuckles pieces.

As far as the practising yourself goes, yeah, what Drako said, no-reset runs are vcery helpful for beginners. Also, this is a very movement heavy and knowledge heavy game, despite having lots of fancy looking tricks to skip parts of levels. But those don't actually save as much time as you may think, and trying to learn and fancy strats early on will most likely rather frustrate you and hold you back getting a feeling for how to optimize your movement. The only major skip that is generally recommended for beginners is Eternal Engine skip for Hero story. You can try to learn other skips of course if that's what you want to, but it's not recommended if you're just starting to speedrun. Anyways, what that means is, you will save a lot more time at the beginning just by consistently and confidently getting through every part of the game, instead of trying to do any very difficult strats. This goes for the linear stages (Sonic, Tails) and the non-linear ones (Knuckles, as in not getting cought up trying to find a piece for too long). And if you do those no-reset runs, pay close attention to what spots in the run were giving you trouble, on which ones you got cought on for a while, and then afterwards you can go back and practise those,

Hope that is helpful, good luck and have fun with the run!

Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

the reason most people run on PC is because its most accessible and easiest to capture for most people, and also it is the fastest for real time (by far the shortest load times). Competitively, that's not relevant anymore though, since the leaderboards are now sorted by ingame time (all level times add up) to make it fair between different platforms and computers. Also on PC you can use the automatic splitter and ingame timer, so that you dont have to do calculations and splitting by hand

Theres a few differences in the run though, but none of these is major enough that I would recommend not playing on GC if that's the version you're most familiar with it. A few clips behave differently (some for the better, some for the worse), and non-HD releases have a bit of a disadvantage in hunting stages, since there's less hint monitors.

Generally speaking I would recommend to keep on playing the game on the platform youre used to if youre learning the game

Drakodan likes this
thread: The Site
Hesse, GermanyNimputs7 years ago

Could I get my name changed to Nim? Thanks in advance!

thread: TrackMania
Hesse, GermanyNimputs8 years ago

Awesome, thank you!

About Nimputs
I like Sonic and racing games and grinding RNG
10 years ago
Games run
Sonic R
Sonic R
Last run 1 year ago
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Last run 5 years ago
Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Last run 4 years ago
Burnout Paradise Remastered
Burnout Paradise Remastered
Last run 8 months ago
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Last run 5 years ago
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure
Last run 1 year ago
Burnout Paradise
Burnout Paradise
Last run 1 year ago
Games followed
Tails Noir: Rebel Rush
Tails Noir: Rebel Rush
Last visit 3 days ago
Old School Rally
Old School Rally
Last visit 20 days ago
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Last visit 3 years ago
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
Last visit 1 year ago
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time
Last visit 1 year ago
Last visit 1 year ago
Burnout 2: Point Of Impact
Burnout 2: Point Of Impact
Last visit 1 year ago
Burnout 3: Takedown
Burnout 3: Takedown
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Burnout Paradise Remastered
Burnout Paradise Remastered
Last action 29 days ago
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Last action 6 days ago
Team Sonic Racing
Team Sonic Racing
Last action 1 day ago
Sonic R
Sonic R
Last action 1 year ago
Burnout Paradise
Burnout Paradise
Last action 11 months ago
Total Drivin
Total Drivin
Last action 7 months ago