United StatesMossy7 years ago

Check out the guide by YoungZizek, gives insight into a lot of the mechanics and should answer what things you can do to optimize runs

DHutch likes this
United StatesMossy7 years ago
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United StatesMossy7 years ago

nobody is stopping you

Plumato, Someone000 and 6 others like this
United StatesMossy7 years ago

I'm going to say again that making the rules clearer would be really good, especially the 10/10% which is kind of confusing at first glance

YoungZizek likes this
United StatesMossy7 years ago

You reset wherever time is stopped in the individual ending runs, unless it's one of the ones that resets automatically.

ZZKer and OmegaFallon like this
United StatesMossy7 years ago

Yeah, I tried a run doing the same thing, yet came upon a big issue right around there. What happened to me was that it didn't say anything for about 20 seconds, gave me a key prompt, and then went along regularly. I still saved time, but haven't bothered to submit because I wanted a sub-57 before submitting. I'll try to find the point in the VOD though.

ZZKer likes this
United StatesMossy7 years ago
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United StatesMossy7 years ago

Also, on whether or not we should be allowed to use this in the IL, I don't see why not. The reason being is that the general rule for all ILs might as well be "you can only use saves created during the run," since this would be the only one that benefits from it.

United StatesMossy7 years ago

Yeah, doing quick math in my head, this takes a minute or so off of the route. You can save in front of it, hit it once, reload the save three more times, and then begin game again and hit Stanley's computer.

ZZKer likes this
United StatesMossy7 years ago
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United StatesMossy7 years ago
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United StatesMossy7 years ago

Alright, thanks for the help!

OmegaFallon likes this
United StatesMossy7 years ago

I mean that manual resetting is being allowed in the Saves Allowed category despite the fact that the rules specifically say that you can only manually reset during the Museum Ending. I'm just confused about that really.

United StatesMossy7 years ago

The rules mention that you are only allowed to reset the Museum Ending, but looking at the world record, I'll already seeing issues. In the Insanity Ending, the game is manually reset before the Mariella segment even happens, and everybody is going back to the main menu before the ending actually restarts on its own

Are the reset rules just completely different for this category, or what? If they are, then, in my opinion, this splits the groups who run these categories up, and can lead to confusion for new runners.

thread: The Site
United StatesMossy7 years ago
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United StatesMossy7 years ago

No problem! I just think stuff like this can be interesting, so I like making it as legitimate as possible.

United StatesMossy7 years ago

On Any%, I don't want to change the official criteria, but just adjust the titles. For console Any%, it should probably be titled "Any% (Console)" and then the "DS Adventure Mode" category should be titled "Any% (DS)," where the rules will mention specifically that this is completing the adventure mode.

I want this to be a serious speedrun because making jokes into something serious is even funnier. Because of this, I feel that video proof should become mandatory. I think that if the game somehow gains a bunch of runs not on an emulator, then it should be required that it be on the original DS.

I promise I only have this game because my sister got it when she was 6 or some shit.

About Mossy
7 years ago
1 day ago
Games run
The Stanley Parable
The Stanley Parable
Last run 7 years ago
Game Dev Tycoon
Game Dev Tycoon
Last run 7 years ago