Massachusetts, USAGix014 years ago

I'm glad to announce that all IL leaderboards have now been converted to IGT timing! A few things to note regarding this change: -All IL submissions now require video (please make sure that the in-game timer is readable). Screenshots will not be accepted. -When submitting, subtract the flagpole time from the initial time on the clock to get your final time (ex: 1-1 starts at 500, so a 454 would equate to 46s). -Please still start your videos from the world map (loading times are the most reliable method we have to distinguish between console and emulator). -IW leaderboards are unaffected by this change.

Sibby18, Cads and 13 others like this
Massachusetts, USAGix015 years ago

9-1 any% sounds like a cool idea, I'm down. As for 9-1 cannonless, that's kind of getting into what I would consider to be too arbitrary, so that probably won't be added unless it really catches on.

Massachusetts, USAGix015 years ago

As was stated above, streaming through a phone/tablet is the cheapest option. If you're looking for a cheap and decent quality capture card, the GV-USB2 is a good choice also.

Mynameisjustyahoo, Finnity and 2 others like this
Massachusetts, USAGix015 years ago

Emulation of games from the gamecube era and onwards is much less accurate and reliable than that of older console generations. For NSMBW specifically, loads don't match up with console versions, and the nature of emulators being able to modify aspects of the game (changing framerate, etc) and run input recordings is something we dislike as a community. You will find that many popular games from more modern consoles ban emulators as well, likely due to similar reasons. While I agree that more available platforms for speedrunning is generally a positive, the situation with emulation for NSMBW specifically makes banning emulators such as dolphin the best option for now. :)

DiamondcrafterA, Kaoskarl and 7 others like this
Massachusetts, USAGix015 years ago

I got it in any% no 8-7 Keepo

DiamondcrafterA and R0main like this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

To beat the level, you need to get the normal exit (defeat the boss)

KilleDragon likes this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

Just like with any request, nothing will added until a run is done

Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

done :)

defqon_Jan likes this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

if you resubmit the run from your account, I'll verify it and reject the old one :)

tsuyuame, defqon_Jan and 2 others like this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

Resetting the console is fine. Also the fastest way to reset is actually to press the button on the console OpieOP

DiamondcrafterA and Tomppaa like this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

If you do a full run, post it here and it will be added :)

JacksonSR, SpeedIn, and KilleDragon like this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

It goes in as a tie on the leaderboard. Unfortunately there is no way to enable milliseconds for individual levels only, and we would like the main category leaderboards to only show seconds.

Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

There's no way this will ever go on the main boards, no matter how popular it gets. It's way too arbitrary, and is literally just the same any% levels.

Exciton97, R0main and 3 others like this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

world records require video footage, and must be done in a single rta segment. I don't really have any advice for recording such a run... good luck :P

Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

nothing will be added to this leaderboard until a run is actually completed. As for the main board, maybe if it picks up popularity...

KilleDragon likes this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

Unless it picks up popularity, this won't be added to the main leaderboard. However if you do a run, I would gladly add the category to our extensions leaderboard ( ). :)

Kaoskarl and tsuyuame like this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

All runs must be done on an official disc. That being said, the game really isn't that hard to find, given how many copies it sold.

tsuyuame likes this
Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

That TAS doesn't aim to complete the game without powerups, just to get the lowest score possible.

Massachusetts, USAGix016 years ago

Actually, you can avoid the coins after the start of 1-2 as small mario. All it takes is an air stall right after coming out of the pipe. (Credit for video goes to DyllonStej)

About Gix01
8 years ago
5 months ago
Games run
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Last run 5 years ago
Last run 5 years ago
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Last run 6 years ago
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy
Last run 6 years ago
Minecraft: Java Edition
Minecraft: Java Edition
Last run 5 years ago
Frog Fractions
Frog Fractions
Last run 7 years ago
Newer: Holiday Special
Newer: Holiday Special
Last run 7 years ago
Games followed
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Last visit 10 months ago
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy
Last visit 2 years ago
Newer: Holiday Special
Newer: Holiday Special
Last visit 1 year ago
Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii
Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii
Last visit 3 years ago
Super Mario Run
Super Mario Run
Last visit 4 years ago
New Super Mario Bros. Wii Category Extensions
Frog Fractions
Frog Fractions
Last visit 1 year ago
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Last visit 2 years ago