Florida, USAGc4ever40015 years ago

Hey y'all.

So for awhile I've been thinking about stepping away from heading up the LM community. It's been a blast, but my life is getting more and more hectic, I don't run the game anymore, and I can't commit myself to helping grow and care for the community like I once was able to. That being said, when I became mod here in the first place, the community was in a tough spot to say the least in terms of organizing rules and establishing what was right and wrong. (Shoutouts to serious discussions, great stuff lmao). The community is much more solid now, and everyone seems to be able to work together well.

Thanks for letting me host tournaments and be a part of all of this, it's been a blast, even when it wasn't.

Best of luck in the future and go fast <3


MakS54, KingRedEagle and 17 others like this
Florida, USAGc4ever40015 years ago

Looking at the engine and what not, it's probably going to get its own page. Nothing definitive until it releases though. Stay tuned <3

Jaypin88 likes this
Florida, USAGc4ever40016 years ago

Hi all!

First off, thank you to anyone who entered the tournament this year. I'm excited to see some great match ups. That being said, let's explain how exactly to set up your matches with speedgaming this year.

It's pretty simple. First off, contact your opponent and set up a time and date for your match to be held. Once that is established, one of you will head to this website and enter the information required.

From there, most of your work is done. From there a commentator will be assigned to your match. Please set up your match at least a day or so in advance to allow commentators time to prepare and schedule things out.

Show up to your match ready to go 30 minutes ahead of your scheduled time to allot for setup. Your gamefeed will be streamed to your twitch channel, and speedgaming will take care of the rest. Please make sure your gamefeed is clear, no layout is covering it, and if you usually use a microphone that it is fully muted so it doesn't cut into the restream. Additionally, once you sign up for your match you can see which speedgaming channel your race will be displayed on.

If you want to see the other currently scheduled matches, head over to the website below.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to anyone in discord and we will be happy to help!

Thanks, Adam

GlitchPhD, Bluehits and 2 others like this
Florida, USAGc4ever40016 years ago

Hey all!

It's that time of year again. Sign Ups are officially open for the 2018 Luigi's Mansion No OoB Tournament.


  • Don't cheat! Refer to leaderboard rules, same apply here.
  • All runs will be restreamed. Please make sure you know how to stream. Ask questions if you don't, we're all happy to help you figure it out.
  • Make sure to schedule your matches in advance, more info on how to do that will come after sign ups

Sign up link:

Something new for this year. We're going to have all restreams hosted by SpeedGaming. If you're unfamiliar with their work, they host many tournaments throughout many different communities, and they are very good at it too. More info to come on all that though.

Sign ups will end on Saturday, June 2! Races will start the following week. Beyond that, there will be a week break at the end of June due to SGDQ.

As per usual, there will be a cash prize for first and second place. If anyone wants to help contribute to the prize pool, contact me!

If anyone has any questions, make sure to join the discord! Link:

Shape, minimini352 and 10 others like this
Florida, USAGc4ever40016 years ago

Dazzle is like 20 bucks as well. If you can't get that, point your phone at the tv screen. Michael did it for just about forever.

Jaypin88 likes this
Florida, USAGc4ever40016 years ago

I'm late to the party, but to run Luigi's Mansion on emulator properly you need a decently powerful and pricey computer. Not something a 100 or 200 dollar machine will run well for sure. On the contrary, a luigi's mansion disc on ebay is 20-30 dollars and the gamecube/wii goes for anywhere from 40-80 dollars depending on what you get with it or not and what deals are out there. Cost is not going to be the determining factor on this.

As for version differences, you can't just cut out load times. Every single run on the leaderboards would need to be adjusted and that just isn't feasible. Beyond that, there is in game lag in rooms such as armory and lydia on console that physically does not exist on an emulated version of the game.

Creating a separate leaderboard would create confusion and isn't a necessity. The equipment is relatively affordable enough where emulator categories are not needed. Like I said, if you can afford a computer that can run the emulator well and buy the controller adapter to play the game on the computer, then you can probably afford the actual equipment needed to have a run verified on the leaderboard.

Finally, no one is stopping you from running the game. You can run the game however you please. But to keep a level playing field, there are rules set in place. I apologize if you do not like the rules, but after many discussions and many years, they will not be changing unless significant evidence was brought up and justified. Run the game if you enjoy it, and have fun. But those are the rules.

Thanks <3

DarQ, Monado and 7 others like this
Florida, USAGc4ever40016 years ago

We don't want to cause any confusion or drama around a separate category of the same game with version differences. It's been discussed and discussed time and time again, but that's the decision that is made. You can still speedrun the game on EMU if you want to, the times just won't be considered for this leaderboard.

Capridog, Mea, and FrezzerFox like this
Florida, USAGc4ever40016 years ago

The main unfair advantage of emulator is the lack of lag compared to the console versions of Luigi's Mansion. There are other differences, but also since emulator is technically not an official release of the game it is banned from the leaderboards.

The screenshot you presented is from SpeedRunsLive, whose rules differ from ours here. You can race with emulator as much as you want, but the times will not be considered legitimate submissions here on the leaderboards.

Hope I was helpful!

Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

Alright! Another week down! Some things to go over.

Jared and Switch match is postponed for early this week due to things Jared talked to me personally about. Dutch and DarQ is delayed to this week as well since Dutch was at ESA. Unfortunately, since Afroman is out of town for last week and this week I don't think it's feasible to keep him around in the tournament. Reaction is kicked from the tournament due to literally harassing everyone. Couple of other resignations as well, but we're more or less on track.

Now we're at Round 4 and Loser's Round 2. Round 4 matches are REQUIRED TO BE RESTREAMED! From here on, all main bracket matches will require restreaming as well. Losers bracket.... well not yet.

A couple of reminders:

  • If you want/need your match restreamed to the community channel, contact a commentator/restreamer and get it scheduled with that specific person.
  • All matches MUST be done through SRL racing and results posted either in #tournament or sent to me (screenshots work best)
  • No USB loaders or cheating or being bad blah blah blah

If you have any questions feel free to reach out, and if you absolutely cannot get your race done this week please message me privately and I'll get it handled to the best of my ability. Best of luck to everyone this week!

P.S. If you aren't in the discord, it's much easier to communicate information through there so go ahead and give that a join!

Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

Hey all!

It's that time of year again. We're going to be hosting another No OoB tournament. Rules are going to be slightly changed from last year to make things a little more simple and relaxed, but still efficient.


  • Obviously no cheating using pre-recorded runs, loaders, emulators, etc etc.
  • All runs are on hidden mansion
  • All races must be completed via SRL race
  • Races do not need to be restreamed until a set point in the tournament (undetermined at what point as obviously sign ups are not yet complete). If a race is not restreamed, you must send SRL results to a moderator, restreamer, or myself. Any race result of sub 1:05 will need video proof as per leaderboard rules, so if you aren't going to stream please at least local record if you are going to get that time. The less proof calling we have to do, the better.
  • If your race is being restreamed, you can stream on any platform of your choosing. MAKE SURE TO SCHEDULE A TIME WITH A RESTREAMER BEFORE YOU RACE IF YOU WANT IT TO BE STREAMED ON THE COMMUNITY CHANNEL. Don't wing it boys and girls.
  • There will be cash prize for first and second place. I'm going to accumulate some funds, so that isn't determined yet until I figure out my money situation. It's going to be at least $200 for first and $50 for second, if not more. =]

Sign up link:

Additionally, at some point I'm probably going to need extra restreamers with stable internet and decent computers who will be committed to restreaming races. If you are interested, please message me privately. Thanks!

Sign ups will end on Saturday, July 1! Looking forward to fun times and great races.

The tournament will most likely begin during the second week of July, after SGDQ. We'll try to complete a round a week, but deadlines aren't set in stone if there are any scheduling conflicts. Of course any DQ's if need be are subject to the moderators and blah blah blah don't do dumb stuff =]

If anyone has any questions, make sure to join the discord! Link:

ZirconEagle16 and HDlax like this
Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago


Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

Record the screen tho. Michael did it for just about forever and is a top runner. It's about the speed, not the quality lol

Monado likes this
Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

Not sure exactly what the issue is, but make sure on OBS that the source audio that's being pulled is Desktop Audio.

Turtleking4597 likes this
Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

You're gonna wanna r pump every 10 health. Since the boos like to escape after 15 cackles and the boos have 150 health, you can't afford to mistime or get more than one double cackle on those two boos.

Distance does play a role, and the more you play the more you'll get a feel for the sweet spot. As long as you're not too far away or directly under the boo you should be able to find that spot. Watch some runner's pb videos and try and mimic the positioning. With some practice, you'll find it not to be too terrible.

Hope I was able to help a little bit.

HTDelta likes this
Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

If you have any category ideas, feel free to voice them or chat about them on the Discord. That being said, check out what Misc. categories do exist, because ironically an All Boos category does exist right now.

Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

Also just realized this thread is 5 months old so just pretend I don't exist lmfao

Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

Yeah. LGP has a lot of software issues, if you can get the LGX and hook it up I would recommend that one.

Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

This is unnecessary and petty. Locking it up.

Poefred likes this
Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

I'm locking this thread. We talked about this in Discord Bluehits. A fresh start.

Florida, USAGc4ever40017 years ago

What Bluehits said. We really won't know until it comes out what it will be like. It's a waiting game. At least the switch won't be region locked.

About Gc4ever4001
9 years ago
5 years ago
Games run
Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion
Last run 7 years ago
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Sunshine
Last run 7 years ago
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Last run 9 years ago
Luigi's Mansion Category Extensions
Games followed
Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion
Last visit 5 years ago
Luigi's Mansion Category Extensions