thread: Yakuza 0
EnglandFroob4 years ago

Appreciate that. That's something i'd have expected with the PC version not ps4.

We still have a money reward out for anyone who figures out how to run in this segment btw lmao

thread: Yakuza
EnglandFroob4 years ago


A couple of us in the community have been talking for a while (cough a year or two cough) about setting up a community discord for Yakuza speedrunning. We appreciate how hard it can be for newcomers to the series who want to get into speedrunning to actually jump in and be able to find a place with resources and be able to ask questions - so we finally got around to it! is the link. In doing this we already have a couple of guides out and available (Any% and NG+ for Yakuza Kiwami, Any% for 3 and Any% for 4 is being actively re-routed, with 5 to be routed next month) as well as multiple places you can ask questions about any of the runs. This will also hopefully push others to make guides for some of the other runs in the series (cough me cough) so don't be shy and come ask us if you have any questions about the runs!

EnglandFroob4 years ago

The reason why a capture card is needed is because if you stream the game via the ps4's built in streaming function multiple parts of the game (Including the ENTIRE finale) get blocked and aren't visable. It's impossible for me to verify when I can't see the end point and I've had a few people go "Just trust me ok?" which just does not work.

If ANY part of the run is blocked it's impossible for me to verify it and streaming the Yakuza games via the ps4's built in streamer unfortunately blocks pretty much parts of all of them - especially every single games Finale.

Phatzo likes this
EnglandFroob4 years ago

Nope I literally did it 2 days ago and i'm fully updated. Are you sure you're doing it correctly? Taken from Lilly's guide:

"This ability allows you to Charge Throw which you used in the first chapter. Why this is so useful is that not only does it do a lot of damage but the move used after you do a Charged Throw does double damage (Or close to it). So if you Charge throw, then use a heat move as your next attack, it does a ton of damage."

You must make sure the next attack is a heat attack. If the next move is not a heat attack then it won't work. And make sure you're properly doing a charge throw by holding down the throw button

thread: Yakuza 0
EnglandFroob4 years ago

Don't be afraid. There's definitely some runs which are scarier than others, but for the most part you can't go wrong just jumping in.

The big problem, and I attribute this problem to myself as well, is that there aren't many guides on how to actually run the games. The game that has the best guides out there is actually Yakuza Kiwami where Lillygram has made an amazing indepth Any% Guide and KeyC13 made a good NG+ guide. From what i've seen most of the front runners (myself included) are more than happy to talk the run at any point. I've always meant to write up proper guides for all the Yakuza's I run as they're all in my head, but it will take a long time to make them come out as good as I want them too. Maybe a project for next year as I can see how daunting it is without proper guides (And also without a proper series speedrunning discord which...Well we've been talking about making it for 2 years at this point so watch this space I guess...)

If you're intimidated might I suggest running NG+ first? You'll be a fully leveled up Kiryu and that way you can learn the route, cutscenes that can be skipped, where substories are etc. This goes towards any of the games because some of the runs, 0 included, can actually be pretty tough towards the end (Some of them in particular you will be dieing in a couple of hits endgame with our any% strats. cough Yakuza 6 cough)

thread: Yakuza 0
EnglandFroob4 years ago

There is no need for a bunch of arbitrary categories that would just clog up the board with only a single user running them. We had a request for the Climax battles which are borderline worth a category and have only had 2 users running them in a year. In the 4 years that the game has been out we've only had 8 runners total. If it was a far more popular game that would benefit from these categories (e.g, Nier Automata and it's extended ending categories) then there'd be a place for it, but not here.

You say you want "fun" categories then go on to say you "Don't really want to run such a long game, I'm not ready for it" which screams that you just don't want to run the actual game. I'd like you to ask how many current runners would actually want to try and catch everything in the ufo catcher for example. Not all novelty runs need a place on the leaderboards, but it also doesn't stop you from doing those runs in your own time if you really want. It can be argued we don't need every difficulty on the leaderboard - but at least people submit runs to most of those (Normal and at a real borderline Hard being the two obviously not run as much difficulties)

Your post sounds like you're pushing for a much shorter run. You're in the wrong Yakuza game for that. Allow me to suggest other Yakuza's you might enjoy that are all shorter than Yakuza 0:

Yakuza (Original) at just above 2 hours Yakuza Kiwami at 2 hours 20 minutes Yakuza 2 (Original) at 2 hours 20 minutes Yakuza Kiwami 2 at 2 hours with a supplimentary run of 10 minutes/40 minutes Yakuza 3 at 2 hours 20 minutes Yakuza 4 at just over 3 hours Yakuza 6 at 2 hours 45 minutes Yakuza Dead Souls at 3 hours (Please do this one and suffer with me please don't let me be the only crazy person to run this one)

If length truly is a problem you're in vastly the wrong series to try and speedrun. I'm always happy to help out anyone who wants to learn the run, but you have to understand (outside of Spin offs like Kenzan and Ishin) that 0 is the second longest Yakuza run outside of 5.

I'd highly suggest one of the other Yakuza's if you're not ready for this one. We won't be putting up arbritary categories with a low user base to these runs anyway. Enjoy doing them on your own time, but there's no reason to put up leaderboards for them here when the vast majority of runners won't find those ideas "fun" to begin with.

tapioca and Renusek like this
EnglandFroob4 years ago

The big thing I would recommend is to check out the guide section on the left. Both Lilly and Key have written good guides for both of the main categories, NG+ and Any% depending on which you want to do (Quick link here: ) Lilly's guide in particular is super comprehensive and worth looking at even if you plan to run NG+.

Big thing I would recommend is learn which cutscenes are skippable and which aren't - whilst also knowing the best route from A to B with Taxi fast travel etc. Again Lilly's guide is really good for this

EnglandFroob4 years ago

Whilst I get things set up on the board side of things, I'd love to get your input on how you want the leaderboards set up for the expansion's story content. Here's my current thoughts:

Character Episode Any%: By doing the Scout Regiment story you can actually pick up in the middle of the 104th Cadets story (with the 5th Episode - The Final Recapture Campaign) and go to the end of that storyline for the first credits sequence (so ending on To The Ocean in the 104th Cadets Story.)

Character Episode 100%: This would be every level (including the Battle Outside the Walls episodes) on all 3 storylines.

Let me know your thoughts on this, or if you have any other ideas on how you want it split up.

EnglandFroob4 years ago

Sorry for the delay, went to ESA and then had some horrific news about my Grandmother's health. Expect an update near the end of this week!

Inukii likes this
EnglandFroob4 years ago

Yep. Will be a couple of days i'm afraid. Please sit tight, being worked on :)

EnglandFroob4 years ago

Ok after getting my hands on this today gonna have to request a little bit more time before Leaderboards are set up. The new Final Battle stuff is thankfully seperated into it's own thing, so there will likely be a Final Battle Any% and a Final Battle 100%, with how the levels are seperated and segmented.

The thing that I need time to determine on is whether the new stuff affects the campaign in any way. If the new stuff (weapons, transformations, abilities any of that jazz) then we'll need to get up a new Leaderboard to seperate it so that it stays fair. It is an expansion but it looks like some of the new OP weapons might be traversable to the original story, hence why I need a bit of time sorry!

EnglandFroob5 years ago

No mods means no modifying the game in any way. This includes stuff such as swapping models, changing music and more. The game must be completely unmodded as modded can provide an unfair advantage. No external tools, apart from livesplit, are allowed.

Substories are the sidequests in the game that pop up with notifications. All Substories is beating an any% run finishing all those substories and also finishing the game at some point (You may go into Premium Adventure before finishing all substories, but the timer is not allowed to be paused at any point)

EnglandFroob5 years ago Use this for timer. Rules state that there needs to be a timer on screen as IGT is unreliable

EnglandFroob5 years ago

Alrighty looks like we need to talk about the future of the run!

Currently it's not out yet and we might have to wait until the game is out to see how these "original episodes" go in regards to affecting the speedrun. I'm personally probably not coming back to running the game even when it does come out, but i'm more than happy to keep moderating the leaderboards. We'll need to figure out as a community what the best course of action towards these new missions are. If they're a seperate menu option do we make them their own leaderboard? If they come after the end of the current run do we add them to the current Any%, or do we split the current Any% and make a new category - something like Season 3%? Or maybe even branch it off and make it its own leaderboard?

We'll likely need to wait till July to figure out what the best course of action is, but let me know your thoughts

EnglandFroob5 years ago

I actually don't have the ability to add that variable to any game in the series, which is kinda weird actually. Might be a bug i'll go ask someone cause I definitely agree that at the very least there should be hdd/ssd.

Ps4 pro should have been ticked up as an option correct, I apparently never marked it up despite originally thinking so - so thank you for pointing that out!

Edit: I'm a moron. Done and being retroactively added to the other games

EnglandFroob5 years ago

Alright got the leaderboards up and going. Want to apologise for layout a little. I wanted both Any% and All Street Bosses to both be under one Majima Saga banner, but somethings a bit bugged and any runs submitted to All Street Bosses weren't showing up. Clearly a setting I messed up so hopefully I can figure that out and clean things up a little!

As far as Categories go we've got the usual. Any% is the main game. The usual applies, pick your difficulty, make sure you show it and then start the timer when the screen fades to black. Unlike other games in the series there isn't a good starting point, hence why I made it the fade to black. If you have any thoughts about this and if there's a better place to start it, please let me know. As the leaderboards took a while to set up I know some people might have different starting times for their splits, so I can easily re-time myself. As of the future though we'll go from screen fade out unless others have any better thoughts. You must show the difficulty you've selected in the vod at least and IGT is still not a reliable measurement of time so we'll still be using real time.

The Majima Saga is where things get exciting and different. We've gotten ourselves a cute little run that doesn't take too long and could be highly competitive (Hence the need for Milliseconds!). For now i've set up Any%, which is your usual get to the end as fast as possible, and All Street Bosses which requires you to beat all the optional Street Bosses before you finish the game. Current ruling is that you do not need to collect the reward for beating All Street Bosses as i'm contemplating potentially a third category that would be either "100%" or "Kiryu Foundation" or something that requires you to fund all of the optional Kiryu stuff. 100% would need defining by the community, considering you can do a lot of the side activities as Majima. Would you need to eat at all the eateries, get the unique baseball rewards, etc etc. Hence why i've not set this up and just left it as Any% and All Street Bosses until we get some community consensus. Let me know what you think about a more fuller category!

As far as other categories go if there's demand (and by demand I mean do a run, post a vid and i'll get a leaderboard up!) we could set up a "Majima+Kiryu" category, where you run the Majima Saga first then run normal Any% afterwards. Only thing that would be awkward would be different difficulty levels. There's no Legend for Majima for example and you could easily change to Easy if you wanted when swapping between categories so...Not quite sure what the answer to this would be. Another community decision (say you run Majima on hard you'd have to stick to hard/Legend for Any% for example? Let me know!)

thread: Yakuza 0
EnglandFroob5 years ago

I should hopefully re-enable pc submissions in the next day, apologise about the delay my pc crashes whenever I play slightly intensive games on it and this is no exception. I'm doing some testing with the help of someone else in regards to the text speed, hence why it's taken so long so my apologies. I'll highly likely just be re-enabling PC as a submission tomorrow as I've got one more segment to check. Cutscenes are all the same unskippable and skippable ones as on ps4 so that isn't a problem.

thread: Yakuza 0
EnglandFroob5 years ago

Text skipping actually seems to be slightly faster than on console. Gonna investigate that and see what comes of it

thread: Yakuza 0
EnglandFroob5 years ago

For the launch of the PC version of Yakuza 0 real soon what i'm planning on doing is just enabling PC as a submission option to the existing leaderboard. From what we've seen from early reviews it doesn't seem like too much differs and it doesn't seem like higher FPS is causing anything that console can't do. If it turns out that there are things that pc can do which console can't (Like say skip cutscenes that console can't) then i'll seperate the leaderboard via console and pc, but for now it seems like it'll be fine to have them both together. The PC version has a FPS counter in the options by default which shouldn't need to be on, but if we have to limit future PC runs to 60fps (like for example with Nier Automata) then at that point it'll become a requirement, but for now it should be fine being off.

In regards to mods, my thought is to have them banned until we can review whether or not mods alter the gameplay in anyway, such as speeding things up illegitimately or causing other advantages that shouldn't happen. Once we know the full extent of whether stuff like model swaps or soundtrack changes don't impact gameplay then they might be allowed, but for now mods will not be allowed.

IGT will still not be brought back as I don't see it changing from how broken and easy it is to manipulate as on console. I'll do some testing and if they've actually fixed IGT to be an accurate representation then i'll enable it for PC runs. But for now, real time stands just like console and the other Yakuza games.

thread: Yakuza 0
EnglandFroob6 years ago

PC will be added a few days before release. My initial thought is that PC and console will be seperated on the leaderboards because Sega Europe's PC releases have a track record of having vastly superior load times alone, even on inferior hardware, and we have no idea what having a frame rate above 60FPS will do. It's super exciting!

Edit: Ideally we'll be able to get a gameplay trailer a little bit before to be able to see if load times are indeed significantly different. If there aren't then we'll just enable PC in the options for when you submit.

In game time will not be re-added ever. In game time in the Yakuza games is a bit of a tricky subject because it's not exactly accurate. Take my Any% Legend playthrough for example. It was ass. It was genuinely the most awful thing and I lost about 30-45 minutes to Chapter 13 because of dieing/Makoto getting caught. But I was only 10 minutes IGT behind my Any% Easy run because whenever you die or load a checkpoint it reverts the time back to the loaded instance. Because of this it could be very easily abused so in game time will not be considered.

About Froob
8 years ago
1 day ago
Games run
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Last run 1 year ago
Grief Syndrome
Grief Syndrome
Last run 5 years ago
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Last run 11 months ago
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
Last run 2 years ago
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Last run 1 year ago
Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami
Last run 3 years ago
Last run 1 year ago
Games followed
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Last visit 5 months ago
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Last visit 7 months ago
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami
Last visit 8 months ago
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
Last visit 7 months ago
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Last visit 8 months ago
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Last visit 7 months ago
Yakuza Ishin
Yakuza Ishin
Last visit 9 months ago
Yakuza: Kenzan
Yakuza: Kenzan
Last visit 9 months ago
Games moderated
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Last action 4 days ago
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami
Last action 18 days ago
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
Last action 1 month ago
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Last action 7 months ago
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Last action 17 days ago
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Last action 1 month ago
Yakuza: Kenzan
Yakuza: Kenzan
Last action 1 year ago