Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens6 years ago

Upload it to youtube. As for muting, there are many ways but idk what tools you have at your disposal

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens6 years ago

Try leaning it against something or putting it between two books to prop it at the right angle.

Honestly, phone recordings are just fine. Obviously they're not the best but if we can see what's going on, it doesn't need to be. It's be nicer if you could do post processing and put splits over the video though. It'd help mods verify and viewers watch and it's just all around nicer. Not necessary IMO, just food for thought ;)

thread: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens7 years ago

If we could replicate that, it could be useful. Even if it's just in that particular spot.

Zachoholic likes this
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens7 years ago

Hey Dani. Not the worst idea I've heard but it sounds awfully...arbitrary? Sure there are plenty of arbitrary categories in many games but why are things like perks allowed or the galvaknuckles but you can't buy a gun off the wall? It seems more contrived than anything else. I can maybe see something like no "magic buys". Basically, no mystery box, no PaP, nothing you'd get along with an EE like staffs.

If the category was built to be a bit more centralized that would probably fit a bit better. But hey, I don't run the game anymore so who am I to say? lol

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

So judging by the (couple of) responses, Sennet and I agree that they should be banned while Racinmonster says they should allowed minimally. Since it's essentially 2 to 1 on this, I'll go and make the rule change tomorrow that custom games are not allowed. This will be effective unless someone else chimes in or someone here changes their minds. I am almost assuredly not going to change my stance.

Even still, I wouldn't go deleting any copies of your runs because, hey, it could change. But 36 second runs where you just start and run to PaP make for completely meaningless categories in a game where there are already a lot.

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

What makes Tranzit different from any other map? And what makes custom games for any map PaP different from high rounds?

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

So Racingmonster just submitted a run of a custom game starting at round 10 for a PaP run. Pretty much an instant WR.

Before I verify (because he's right, there aren't any rules against this), should we ban custom games or at least ban rules that aren't there for the original mode? That is, you can't start at certain rounds to instantly PaP.

My opinion is that this is the same exact thing as cheating except that you don't explicitly put in a cheat code. I think it's essentially the same thing. If others believe otherwise, we can allow it. I'd like to get a consensus from others before we make a decision one way or another.

If I don't get any responses in a few days, I'll go ahead and accept the run and we'll allow custom games because, if nothing else, I don't want to be a nazi mod.

thread: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I like this idea but for a long time to come, I imagine the only way to combat this is to just reject the run.

I'm not saying don't suggest it because I think it's a great suggestion, just that expect it to take quite a while.

thread: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Am I missing something or did you not look very hard?

thread: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Damn. If "Last online 3 hours ago" isn't very active, what IS considered active?

YUMmy_Bacon5, zewing and 4 others like this
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Hey Kakori,

  1. My bad there. I remembered there being one in town and thought it'd be with the others but I made them in a rush.

  2. It's impossible to do with the current capabilities

  3. Not really an issue with the boards but really with the site

  4. Pretty much lack of demands. There was a request for that separation but none of the others. If there is, I'll gladly separate them otherwise.

  5. Fixed, thanks.

  6. I agree it'd be good but there's not many runs for them as there are so adding extra at this point seems pretty superfluous. If you do have a run, I'll add it in.

BOZAK_115 likes this
thread: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe reddit is open source:

That might not be the complete repo for reddit or I could simply be mistaken but it is still something that others do.

Obviously, it's different as well since if a vulnerability if found in something like reddit, they have teams of people who can work around the clock to fix it whereas is made up of volunteers. The same rules might not apply.

I generally support open source projects but I do understand why you wouldn't want to release it at this time. If only to go through the current code base with a fine tooth comb before putting it out to the world.

thread: The Site
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago


Go learn how to program and build a better page. Create your own "simple" functions and provide them free to the world. How much of a dick do you have to be to feel as entitled as you sound. Get off your high horse.

xDrHellx likes this
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Sure thing! I made heavy use of subcategories and it took a lot of messing around with (and deleting runs and manually readding them) to get it looking the way it does.

I have full games categories set to each map. Play count is set to 4 for all of them. Under extra variables, that's where I set up categories. I set player counter (4P Co-op, solo, etc) as a required subcategory so it shows up under every map. Below that, I have individual categories for maps. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like on my end so you can use it as a reference:

It looks generally the same for each map if you were able to scroll that down.

The only bad thing about this set up is that even if you select Solo, you can enter 4 player names. It won't automatically fix that. But that's a minor thing you'll just have to look out for when verifying runs.

Good luck and let me know if you need any other help!

BOZAK_115 likes this
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Added PS2 just for you, cyberbro

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

There aren't any other options other than a button to verify. I just looked again under editing the game and it doesn't look like anything there would do it. If you're burning for an answer, you can try asking on the general forums.

thread: Saints Row 2
Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

Another small improvement that I came up with impromptu during my run yesterday. When we kill Vogel at the end, one rocket takes him out. Not sure if this was known before but I had been killing him with an SMG. This probably shaved 5+ seconds off.

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

I'm not sure, exactly. It could be that they were simply older than other runs, even by a small margin. It could also be that ILs don't show up on the FP. Or they could have some way to determine game popularity thought I highly doubt that last option.

Virginia, USAFoxAndRavens8 years ago

What do others think? I kind of like that idea, tbh.

Just as an FYI, the reason that I decided it that way was

  1. That's the method for another game that I run
  2. That's closest to how it'd be done IGT for the levels

Obviously neither of those are particularly good selling points so if anyone else has any opinions, you can voice them and we can talk. Otherwise, I'll just change it to your method, Z.

We can also change it down the road but it'd be more annoying for retiming any runs.

About FoxAndRavens
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Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2
Last run 8 years ago
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Zombies
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Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2
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Saints Row
Saints Row
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Call of Duty: Black Ops II Zombies
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies
Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies
Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies
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Call of Duty: World at War Zombies
Agents of Mayhem
Agents of Mayhem
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Saints Row Category Extensions
Saints Row Category Extensions
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Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2
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Saints Row: The Third
Saints Row: The Third
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Saints Row
Saints Row
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Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
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