Epaminaidos3 years ago

Hi, I started having a look into speedrunning this game. When trying this, I started to wonder that I loose about 2 seconds until entering the kitchen (the first 30s of the run). I checked this further by comparing the videos frame by frame. And for some reason, Guybrush seems to be walking slower: I loose 19 frames already only while walking to the door of the scumm-bar. How can this happen? I followed the hint with the sparkles on the logo of course to get the higher walking speed.

I uploaded the comparison to Youtube (), the videos are synced to the first frame of the cliff-scene.

Thank you for any help.

About Epaminaidos
3 years ago
3 years ago
Games followed
The Secret Of Monkey Island
The Secret Of Monkey Island
Last visit 3 years ago