Entei2 years ago

So, you don't care to agree for us to not talk to or about each other?

Is that the gist of what you said?

Entei2 years ago

If you don't care for a resolve our differences, that's your choice and although I disagree with it, I accept it.

Would you be OK with us just agreeing to never speak to each other or talk about each other again?

This whole situation is rather tiresome

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Entei2 years ago

God Damn dude, I was on your stream trying to reach out because you've been on this forum spewing thousands and thousands of words of hateful garbage.

I'm not asking you to be associated with me, but you've decided to make me a part of your identity by having me as the subject of half of your bio.

Every day you stream you are begging for people to talk about Entei64 Look at you man, you're being triggered by some stranger using an emote.

I just think you'd be a lot happier if you could leave this hatred behind.

And I think we would both be able to leave this hatred behind if you would entertain the idea of at least trying to talk it out.

Entei2 years ago

OK wow, now you're just telling straight up lies. I do not have an alt account.

I was in your stream last night, with my OWN account so I could reach out to you via unban request.

idk if you even bothered to read it but it said something along the lines of..

It's cool if you don't want to unban me, but I'd like to have a chat with you and at least attempt to put this ugliness behind us. It's a shame things turned out this way because we used to be friends even if it was for a brief moment and I hope you do well in your chess tournament.

Honestly, I no longer have any ill will towards you.

Anyway, if you want a sincere apology, you know how to get a hold of me.

Entei2 years ago

I'm not responding to your accusations because I don't care and neither does anyone else.

We've already talked about this ad nauseam on twitch and discord.

I'm genuinely concerned for your mental well being.

Even before I came along, you were constantly telling everyone how badly ghillie had treated you.

That means you've spent nearly 10 years seething and stewing over people who shouldn't even matter to you at all.

Idk dude, at this point I just feel bad for you.

I'm already banned from the discord, and from your twitch channel, and I don't even speedrun smash anymore.

I've essentially been erased from your life yet you're still here crying about having been "targeted"

What more do you even want?

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Entei2 years ago

that feel when your most viewed video is a stolen vod,

I guess pikashy "the victim" gets more attention than pikashy "the speedrunner"

devoting half your bio to me, all these 1k+ word posts, taping (and stealing) my vods....

cmon dude, you gotta see the amount of time and effort you're expending thinking about someone you don't like (who you haven't even talked to in over a year) is bizarre.

You're obsessed dude, please get some help.

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Entei2 years ago

Also, regarding the leaderboard, I really don't care what y'all do since the leaderboard hasn't been accurate since pikashy was a mod and verified his own runs.

I believe ALL legitimate runs should be posted.

Anyway, all this drama has been hilarious, but it's about time for me to move on.

I have a family and a business to take care of and new interests that I have been pursuing so I have no plans in the foreseeable future to commit any serious amount of time to speedruns.

I wish y'all the best and any future speedrunners that might read this thread, good luck on the runs.

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Entei2 years ago

Just want to say, I've tried numerous times to reach out to pikashy and negotiate some kind of peace agreement.

Bro pikashy you need some serious help.

The amount of time and energy you've put into these essays is not healthy.

Your entire profile is "some guy on the internet was mean to me and I am so emotionally distraught that I quit speedrunning." Is that really what you want to be known for?

I sincerely hope you can find some type of meaning for your life besides internet drama.

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About Entei
6 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Last run 5 years ago
Super Mario 64 Category Extensions