Alsace, FranceElioth5 months ago
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thread: Payday 3
Alsace, FranceElioth5 months ago

What do you mean by "Old Heist Selection" ?

Alsace, FranceElioth7 months ago

sub 1:00 soon ??

Alsace, FranceElioth7 months ago

Tout ce qu'il nous aura fallu c'est deux nouveau arbre de compétence, pour tout juste vous prendre une seconde :x

Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

Hoo okok I didn't know

Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

Why do you lockpick the three gates in the vault ? Wouldn't it be faster to just lockpick the server's one and take the money at the center on the table ?

thread: Payday 3
Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

I really don't think that the speed of the truck is tied to your performance, in the sense that "the more fps, the faster it goes"

I think it as a capped speed and it lag/stop/rollback when your PC is strugling. I don't know if the server connection is worse when your PC is strugling, it may be linked but I'm not sure

thread: Payday 3
Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

After doing over and over the same tracks with different setups, I can say that my run is slower due to me recording my game. It happen with OBS and FRAPS.

When I don't record my screen, the truck take the path in 4:46, and when I record he take 5:01, every time.

I have absolutely NO IDEA why ity does that in my runs and not on the WR ones. Maybe it's a spec thing. I had my task manager open at anytime and my processor was at 70% max during the whole run.

My only solution right now is that I'll have to record my screen with my phone, or buy a better PC...

I feel really low right now.

thread: Payday 3
Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

For the context, I compared my run with the world record one section by section, and I realise that on the section where the truck is moving my truck was 15 seconds slower despite both starting at the same point.

I synchronised my run and the world record, and I saw that during the whole truck run, my truck was slowly falling behind despite me never going outside of the hack radius.

My only guesses is either, there is a way to make the truck go to an optimal speed that I do not know, OR, since I got an average computer, Payday 3 + OBS make my processor working at 100% and I may be having some minor rollback during all the run, but I hope not

You can see both section times here : My run is here : WR run is here :

I'm nearly 100% sure our truck start at the same position and go the same route, and we both not leave the hack radius

I also posted a thread on steam to see if it's a bug

Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

Update : it's due via mods... Better luck next time !

Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

I've been in a few public heist where I could see high-ranking player starting to move and act why the rest of the team is still idle because of the intro. Is this a glitch or is this a mod ?

Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago


As say in the title, I submitted a run some days ago and it's not been reviewed since then and I recently beat it by some seconds. Is there a way to view your pending submission and delete them ? Or do I have to wait ?

I don't want to give more work to the mods, they seem busy.

Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

I don't understand why you put a jammer on the truck, does it make the interaction faster ?

Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

Ha sheize didn't saw it, thanks !

Alsace, FranceElioth8 months ago

I have seen in some speedrun, that you can put your mask and cancel it mid-animation so you can shoot faster

Can anyone tell me how you can do such TRICKS ?

Alsace, FranceElioth9 months ago

I don't understand how Arustik can "cancel" his action of putting his mask in mid-action...

About Elioth
French game programmer
9 months ago
10 days ago
Games run
Payday 3
Payday 3
Last run 5 months ago